[-] Ooops@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago

Still using an S7E to this day as the battery seems basically indestructable...

The one single weak spot? I actually had to replace the glue.

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago

"Als Reaktion auf Krisen wie Krieg und Klimawandel ziehen sich die Deutschen einer Studie zufolge mehr und mehr ins Private zurück."

Nein, als Reaktion auf das vollständige Versagen der Medien ziehen sich Leute zurück. Weil jegliche öffentliche Diskussion sinnlos ist, wenn alles nur von Narrativen, Propaganda und Lobbyismus bestimmt ist.

Aber gut... wer erwartet schon eine plötzliche Kehrtwende und dass die Mitverursacher plötzlich ihr Versagem erkennen und über die wirklichen Ursachen berichten?

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago

Nein, wir kriegen das nicht hin. Weil immer noch die tatsächlichen Ursachen verleugnet werden.

Kaum jemand zieht sich frustriert ins Private zurück, weil gerade einige Dinge in der Welt nicht rund laufen. Sonst wäre das ein Dauerzustand für die Meisten. Gab ja nun genug Krisen.

Man zieht sich zurück, weil "da draußen" nichts ist, außer einer ständigen Beschallung durch Propaganda auf der einen und völligem Medienversagen auf der anderen Seite.

Wer als Journalist nach Jahren Corona auch jetzt noch Wirrköpfe in politischen Diskussionen zu Wort kommen lässt, weil er immer noch nicht verstanden hat, dass diese falsche Ausgewogenheit jede Diskussion verzerrt und oft ad absurdum führt und auch nach langjähriger Erfahrung mit der Springer Presse immer noch lieber ungeprüft deren Narrative widerkäut aus Angst vielleicht ein paar Klicks zu verlassen, hat schlicht und einfach seinen eigentlichen Job aufgegeben und spielt nur noch Unterhalter für Idioten.

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago

Because "including Spain, France and Greece" is a rather lacking description for 30 European countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 2 points 11 months ago

Left and right are artificial, meaningless constructs

Left and right are very useful construct... as a spectrum... on multiple axis.

It just seems completely meaningless, because so much here is tainted by the US perspective. And neither do they have a spectrum (with just two parties), nor multiple axis (again, two parties can't represent nuanced opinion on different topics). In fact they don't even have left and right, just right-wing and more far-right.

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

No, bots aren't a thing alhough a lot of people pretend them to be. Trolls are still either human or very obviously fake.

[-] Ooops@feddit.de -1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Gas prices went up two measly dollars compared to normal in 2022, and everyone flipped the fuck out.

Yeah, sure. They flipped out because the love their cars so much and don't want to change anything. Oh, wait. No, they flipped out because companies and corrupt politicians made them completely dependent on cars so they will starve without them and kept them so poor that even increasing the cost of using the cars they dependent on just a bit again ends with starving.

And here you are babbling none-sense again about how it's the stupid people buying products -as if they had a choice- and not the companies and politicians that are to blame.

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

Close this tab right now and promise yourself never come back to see if someone gave you an easy answer...

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

Or maybe you would realize that a lot of people think the same but are also convinced to be alone and unable to change anything... Just like it happened for me back then the moment the first few made the effort to change. We will never know.

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I live in Germany

Same here... and most of my contact list (and I) dropped WhatsApp when Meta bought them or a year later when the eavesdropping and phoning home to Meta was publically discussed in the media. The remaining minority is able to use another alternative on top of WhatsApp (that's one of the reason I like to remond them that they provide Meta with data from the people opting out...). That was also nearly a decade ago (2014/2015), so pretending that you need to use WhatsApp in 2023 is indeed a choice.

[-] Ooops@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

You didn't know because that's mostly a bullshit pretense. Do you want to know actually happened between Munich going OpenSource and then reverting back to MS? Munich was bribed with a shiny new European Headquarter and the promise of additional taxes.

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