
joined 1 year ago
[–] 31 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The devastating fires in Maui, a tragedy long forewarned, are a stark reminder of the failure to prioritize human well-being over short-term cost considerations. My heart aches for the lives lost and the homes destroyed; this catastrophe underscores the systemic failure to heed warnings and underscores the urgent need for a compassionate, foresighted approach to our shared environment and community.

[–] 103 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (23 children)

My experience has been the opposite. I've found that the majority of users tend to lean towards neoliberal and center-right ideologies. I guess most of them are probably American, so their warped worldview has them considering these ideologies as 'left-wing' instead 🙃

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Currently using signal but have been intrigued by some of the no phone number alternatives like SimpleX

[–] 12 points 1 year ago

If I'm going to have a crook in office, I'd rather they be a crook that awakens people to the issues that matter such as medicare for all and ending the drug war. The bar is just that low

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I strongly prefer STAR over ranked choice, for some significant issues that aren't talked about enough. (slide deck).

But yes, I agree that voting reform is critical to this change, and it's very telling that neither party are very interested in enacting it. They'll both warn us like an abusive relationship to not vote third party "or else" but when you ask why not just support voting reform they both fall silent.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Capitalism gonna capitalize...

[–] 40 points 1 year ago (10 children)

The enthusiasm to vote against rather than for a candidate reveals the deeper crisis of a political system that effectively marginalizes meaningful alternatives.

[–] 29 points 1 year ago

The attempt by billionaire real estate moguls to overturn New York City's rent stabilization law is nothing but the ruling class wielding its power to exploit the many for the benefit of the few. This isn't just about rents in New York; it's a manifestation of the capitalist system where the rights of property owners are sacred, but the rights of those who need shelter are negotiable. It's a blatant class assault, a vivid example of how the rich and powerful manipulate the legal system, including the Supreme Court, to suppress the masses and perpetuate their own wealth and dominance.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The portrayal of "Bidenomics" as a success story serves as a classic illustration of how power structures manipulate economic indicators to project an image of prosperity, obscuring the underlying reality. While the figures may indicate growth and a decrease in unemployment, they are detached from the lived experiences of millions who continue to suffer from food insecurity and financial hardship. The discontinuation of essential aid programs reflects a broader systemic failure, where policies are shaped by elite interests at the expense of the vulnerable. It's a pattern we've seen repeatedly in the history of state-corporate management of the economy, where the welfare of the general population is subordinated to concentrated private power.

[–] 23 points 1 year ago

There's only been a limited selection up until this point

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Appreciated, thank you for the compliment ☺️

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