No, I claimed that YOU think it’s okay to do gay stuff with children, because you told me that passing laws about this sort of stuff is fascism and it’s nobody’s business how people live their lives.
I just finished Hitman 2 and 3. Both are rather short tbh (I think the second took me barely over 10 hours), I feel like the first one took me far longer, but perhaps it was because I was still learning how to play the game. Now that I know all of the ways in which you can cheese the AI, it's gotten a bit stale and boring.
Yes, there's a decent amount of replayability of course if you care to discover all the nooks and crannies and want to get creative finding different ways to assassinate your targets, but it just doesn't feel as alive anymore as it used to, because I've seen too many cracks in the facade. Also, the story is kinda lackluster and the final mission in the third one is BS, but at least the other levels are little more interesting than the second. I liked the murder mystery subplot in Dartmoor, that was a neat idea.
Now I almost want to play a murder mystery game, anyone know of any good ones?
Fair enough
I didn't say any of those things.
Planned release date: Jan 5, 2024 :/
Wieso haben die keine Rücklagen für sowas? Vielleicht sollte die Bundesregierung einfach mal weniger Avocadotoast essen als mehr Schulden aufzufahren.
Days Gone. It's basically a biker road movie set in a zombie apocalypse scenario playing out in rural Oregon. Strong story, beautiful graphics, and a healthy balance between scavenging/exploration and fighting.
If that's still too violent, maybe the Hitman series. That's basically 95% exploration / problem solving because you have to spend most of your time figuring out how to get close enough to your target so you can eliminate them without causing too much of a stir.
Also Deus Ex Human Revolution or Mankind Divided, for similar reasons. You're pretty much always outnumbered and outgunned so you have figure out how to get around and complete your objectives without being detected and only pick your fights sparingly.
That's not what I asked.
I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you haven't heard before, but from a Biblical perspective sex is for procreation and gender roles reflect the natural hierarchy of God.
Also, it's not slavery to give people incentives to do what's right in the long run instead of what feels good in the moment. We also have laws against killing and stealing even though the vast majority of people recognizes that it's wrong and would never do it. Or would you say that you feel enslaved by the existence of such laws?
I did not say that. I just gave my opinions on the article.
As for why they felt that they needed a new law, you gotta ask the city of Murfreesboro. I’m sure they have a PR department of some sort that’ll be happy to answer your questions.
No, I asked whether YOU would feel more comfortable under such a dictatorship.
Also I don’t care what two dudes with the hots for each other do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, but when it’s in public and especially in front of children, it is potentially no longer a victimless crime.
Believe it or not, there are other people in the world. It’s unrealistic and downright narcissistic to expect that everyone should accommodate your desires everywhere and at all times.