What do you do with the sweater in the dryer it it's dry?
Nirvana, Beastie Boys, Massive Attack, Tricky, Portishead, Radiohead, Björk, Primus... Come on
Kitchen and Bathroom were usually next to each other. In the kitchen is a small door to a room with a small window. This room has about 2/3 of the floor height. Is was used as a kind of refrigerator (by opening the window). In the bathroom is only a channel above the Speisekammer with a small window, which is only to get the perfume out.
Picture: https://www.architektur-froebel.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/altes-WC.jpg
Floorplan' https://www.yourplaceberlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/GRUNDRISS.jpg
The Speisekammer 2/3 of the height under the window and entered from the kitchen is missing. But despite that it looks like the average Berlin Bathroom.
Nein, das ist doch eindeutig ein Wirdburger
Cut my working hours to 6,5 a day. Doesn't help, just 1,5 hours more childcare (But yes, it helps the kids).
Only thing what helps your free time is to sleep less. (Yes, that sucks too.)
You save the money and spend it on a car?
My experience is different. If I go for grocery once a week I buy a lot of stuff which rots or expires. If I buy it daily I just buy what I need, and what I want that day.
With their wheelchair?
ClubMate Vodka doesn't care, and goes to the bar, ordering another one.
Wenn man selbst viel geiler ist als alle anderen ist ja auch egal was die denken.
You need to turn around the watch!