
joined 1 year ago
[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Um... There may not always be male and female plants, but pollen is definitely the 'male' form of a haploid gamete, and nearly perfectly analogous to sperm. The link should be able to take you to every part you'd not want to know about plants. Allergies are normal. People who don't have allergies are the freaks, because their bodies don't care that the tree is trying to have sex with their nose.

Hell, the part of the fruit that you eat is often the plant sperm that didn't fertilize the plant egg. Pollen contains a second plant sperm that fertilizes a different part of the female plant and creates all the juicy goodness you ingest. You can read about it here.

Now, the dandelion is formed seeds, sure. So baby cannon it is. /shrug

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 9 points 1 year ago

I use both as well. Ublock would let a lot of things through that NoScript does not. Ublock also gets stuff that NoScript does not. Facebook and google stuff? Zapped by noscript. Youtube ads? NoScript lets them through because you have to okay the youtube player, while Ublock blocks them.

Only complaint I have with NoScript is that it doesn't seem like I can allow scripts without it automatically reloading the page anymore. It was nice to be able to click the 'expand image' here, see that NS blocked the script, allow the script, and just click the 'expand image' twice more to close/open it. Now I have to click 'expand image,' unblock the script, the page reloads, I have to go find the post again, and then see it. If you figure that out, let me know.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Milhouse is not a meme!

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Interesting how the 'vintage' 'black border' meme has a remarkably modern website watermark. Go back to sucking on your pacifier, you wanka.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 8 points 1 year ago

I'll forever be grateful to those thronal thespians of the page, who told me exactly whence the phrase, "Close, but no cigar," came from.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

This is a big one, and I'd add in an aggressive tax for owning multiple properties. Make single land ownership ~70% of what it currently is, and each additional property increases all your property tax by 300%. Couple that with getting rid of idiotic exemptions (seriously...I have a friend with parents that owned more than a hundred different properties in a semi-rural area [one that was going to become suburban soon] and paid nearly no taxes because they plunked a few cows onto each one until the development companies paid the big moolah for them) and there would be plenty of homes for everyone. Last report I remember said we had more than enough empty homes sitting around to house every homeless person multiple times over.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 33 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It was, when it was just people looking to get a tiny bit of income from renting a room in their house. Then people tried to make it their sole income, and then companies got into the game. Part of it is that the service became popular, so any cheaper rooms are snatched up instantly, and the user now gets to choose between a hotel-looking hotel, or a house-looking hotel, with nasty fees to get more money from you.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Okay, I think this is the one I read way long ago, but it says it was updated in 2021. I remember when I read it must have been early 2010s, and this dude even admits his grandmother was an impasta so... /shrug Amazing how memory gets skewed. I must have remembered the grandmother not being Italian line and somehow mangled it into him being Italian.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Grave of the Fireflies was a pretty good movie about children in Japan during WWII. I'm sure most people have heard of it, but it was recommended about a year or two ago, and it was much better than I was expecting.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

#Your favorite game’s “awesome story” robs the player of a basic sense of agency

It is generally not awesome for the player character to join a cult, agree to assassinate their boss’s boss, cheat on their life partner, pick a side in a major power struggle, voluntarily inject themselves with an experimental nano-fluid, etc, without the player’s consent.

Right, so...please tell me a narrative medium that allows this. Somehow movies, books, comics, manga, and literal storytelling all get a pass on this?

I can sort of nod along with everything else, agreeing that there is some truth in the spewing. This statement is so pants-on-head foolish that every other assertion you make gets dragged beneath the water and drowns with chains made of the last page of shitty choose-your-own-adventure book. And for that level of strength in the chains to work, those assertions have to be pretty crappy.

Sorry, but no medium of media allows for agency. I don't care if you have some of the best writing in a game (whether that means Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate II, Disco Elysium, whatever), or if you want to go with the old choose-your-own-adventure books, but there is ultimately little to no player agency. If you want player agency in a game, you have one choice, and it isn't a video game: TTRPGs. Even ChatGPT can't match what a good GM can do, because they can allow you to break the mechanics of the game or add mechanics on the fly to fit what a player wants to do. A GM can literally respond to something a game creator never imagined within seconds. I want to see Planescape or Disco Elysium react to a player doing something they thought of that the game creator didn't imagine. Buuuulllllshit. Player agency my ass.

Also, as the OP obviously fails to mention any games that he thinks is worthy of being an 'awesome story', I'm calling this as a troll/bait post.

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is why pasta instructions will tell you to add the pasta only when the water is at a vigorous boil. Either you stir, or you have the pasta boiling like it's a volcano about to pop.

There was a neat cooking blog where an italian fella went into all the 'old myths' that his grandmother used to tell him: Vigorous boiling; Large Pot; when to add sauce; etc. It all boiled down to knowing what you're cooking. Pasta is starchy, so if it sits in hot water instead of being tumbled about, all the starch that's been liberated into the water settles back on the pasta (and not in a good way).

[–] PickTheStick@lemmy.fmhy.ml 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's a humorous take, because I've known so many people who went to see crappy movies because of the movie previews for something they liked. This was way before the internet took over as a way to see videos, but still, interesting to note the opposite.

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