[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 19 points 1 week ago

Yeah pretty much. The privacy invasion of ad companies is terrible for sure, but the whole seeing ads all over the damn place in the first place is also annoying enough that even if they were somehow completely tracker-free I would still block them.

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 21 points 2 months ago

Curious how they expect this to work for people who aren't even "paying" [with money or data] Meta users. Those people who never signed up for any of their services yet are still being tracked across websites via those social sharing buttons and the like. Are they supposed to pay Meta to not hoard their data from all the other websites, despite never setting foot on a Meta site?

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 6 points 2 months ago

Well, that's fair. You're an absolutely miniscule minority of Android users though

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 6 points 2 months ago

My Xperia 10 III has it up top. Damaged more than one cable by just jamming it in my pocket upside-down then realising the cable's getting smushed up. Note to self: Get headphones with 90 degree cable connectors

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 4 points 3 months ago

I've been cycling on the road for a good 25+ years at this point... and sorry but, you're full of shit. No matter what I do to "cycle safely", I still get close passed, cut off, left hooked, raged at for taking the lane (as is safe to do so)... The issue isn't my cycling, its the cars and the idiots driving them.

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 7 points 3 months ago

Why would you say everyone's a Christian? Might as well have some fun. Change all the ones marking themselves as Christians to say that they're gay liberal polygamists or something.

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 5 points 3 months ago

Pontiac Aztek might be the (now second) ugliest thing to ever wander the Earth on wheels

Wait where does the Fiat Multipla fit in? The one with the moobs

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 9 points 3 months ago

Always with those weird red laser eyes in the thumbnail.

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 8 points 4 months ago

Pipewire's got fantastic JACK support. You can even run standard JACK control GUI's like Carla on top of it and expect them to work just like they would on regular JACK

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 7 points 4 months ago

Its why lemmy lets users block a server now even though mastodon doesnt.

As someone who had to switch away from mastodon.art because my pool of federated instances was getting so small it felt pointless to be on a federated platform... I'm SO glad Lemmy takes this approach. I don't mind my instance having some control over who they federate with (I have zero interest in seeing actual nazi comment or CP for example) but if my instance blocked lemmy.world or another similarly large one I'd definitely be a bit screwed (mastodon.art defederated mastodon.social for a time!)

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 4 points 4 months ago

I'm kind of new here too, why do all these communities have both a lemmy.ee and lemmy.world version? Is it just that someone happened to set them up on both instances so now there's two, or is there some kind of crosspost/mirroring going on?

[-] Piece_Maker@feddit.uk 12 points 4 months ago

Been daily driving SailfishOS for absolutely years. Originally ran it on a Nexus 4! It's by far the most polished not-Android/iOS phone OS going right now.

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