[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 12 points 6 days ago

It's just different scammers now.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 101 points 1 week ago

Instead of making live action remakes of animated movies, we should make more Muppets remakes of live action movies.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 100 points 2 weeks ago

I have never gotten a reliable answer from a quora result. I avoid them like the plague now.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 61 points 2 weeks ago

TLDR: article is clickbait title, which goes on to explain the etymological origin of the name "Earth" coming from Old English, and other dead languages have other names for Earth such as "Terra".

The oldest possible record for the term "Earth" comes from Proto-Indo-European "Er-", which means ground or soil.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 44 points 3 weeks ago

Is it ham? No, it's beef. Is it steamed? No, it's grilled. So then, what do you call it? Steamed ham.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 179 points 1 month ago

This is exactly what mega-corporations want. If we save money, they don't get it.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 58 points 2 months ago

Nobody ~earns~ a billion dollars. It can only be stolen and exploited from other peoples' labor.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 67 points 3 months ago

On one hand, this is great for lost or stolen phones. On the other hand (and rest of the body), this is horrible for privacy.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 78 points 4 months ago

Had a group that would play DnD 3.5, where you need to roll to confirm crits (20 auto hits, roll again against AC to crit). We ended up rolling to confirm fumbles as well because catastrophic failure doesn't just happen 5% of the time. Imagine 5% of your army accidentally chopping their foot off or beheading their nearest kinsman every few seconds.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 89 points 4 months ago

If you stay away from sketchy sites and don't click every link that says "DOWNLOAD NOW", Windows Defender and a web browser with ad-blockers should do their job well enough.

[-] PineRune@lemmy.world 66 points 4 months ago

Shouldn't these screens be swapped? The 4:3 matches the "seen by both eyes" of prey better, and the predator should be able to fit the widescreen in its "seen by both eyes" vision better.

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