Would anyone really feel safe returning to Syria today? There is still fighting going on, and now Israel is annexing the parts that connect to Israel.
As a Melbournian, that is utter hogwash. You should get a job writing for The Hun.
We’re born with a race, sex, and gender. We are not born with a religion.
Religion can safely be dropped and one huge cause of so many conflicts can go away. It wont solve 100% of the problem, and we will still fight over stuff we can’t control but it’s still worth it to try even for a partial win.
So President Yoon argues he had to do it because they’ve impeached 22 government workers to take, and plan to impeach 10 more?
I know he said it was unprecedented globally to impeach so many, but were they legitimate?
And they all think Hitler should never have been trialled if he was caught alive?
Wasnt she supposed to be a genius scientist?
That’s going to be even harder for Russia to restock, hopefully it’s a sign they’re running low on other missiles.
I miss when they had their heads chopped off.