[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 22 points 5 months ago

I think we found it. Something worse than pineapple on pizza.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 24 points 5 months ago

Yes, I would. Worms don’t get workers rights.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 28 points 5 months ago

I mean… welcome to the internet. It’s not just Reddit, but most social media, and some “news” sites.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 22 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

No. Here’s a pretty good explanation from the qBittorrent forums:

Your ratio is what percentage you have given back to others of what you have taken. For example, if you download something, and have a .5 ratio on that file, that means you've shared back half of what you've taken.

Ideally, you should strive to always seed to 1.0 meaning you have given back the same amount that was taken. In an ideal world, this would assure that no torrent ever has to die. Private trackers may have more specific rules about what ratio you must maintain, either overall (across all torrents you download) and/or on each individual torrent you grab. Check the specific trackers you participate on for their rules.

If you deal exclusively with public trackers, then 1.0 should be your minimum goal.

Personally, I’d put your ratio at 2.0, if you have the available data allowance, and bandwidth. Help others like you’ve been helped, even on public trackers.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 29 points 6 months ago

You might have better luck with Jellyfin, than Plex. Plex uses online authentication tools, which is used for not just user, but server management. In contrast, Jellyfin can be ran completely locally.

Now one thing to note is that neither solution will properly detect your media files properly. You’d need to manually input file details. Usually these servers would do a quick online search, to detect that your movie is what it is. You could import this data, but you’d need an internet connection to acquire it. If you do not mind all that busy work, then you should be fine.

Now the remote… honestly, no idea. I’m pretty sure Android TV has a button remapper app, which might help… Do modern Chromecasts use Android TV? I haven’t used them since their second generation. Best do some research yourself, or wait for another reply.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 22 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Some people like to rag onto Canonicals bad decisions. These include:

  1. Putting ads in the terminal
  2. Use of Affiliate links in the DE
  3. The forceful use of Snap
  4. The proprietary Snap infrastructure
  5. The feeling of being abandoned, in favour of the server market (lack of desktop innovation)
  6. Lens search, that allows company (eg: Amazon) tracking.
  7. Anti-privacy settings enabled, by default.
[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 27 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Adguard Home. I find it to be more feature complete, compared to Pi-Hole. Nicer GUI, more options, built in DNS-over-HTTPS/TLS, better client controls & detection, more domain information, better domain list blocking, and so on.

I moved from NextDNS, to Adguard Home. All self hosted, and accessed with a reverse proxy.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 22 points 9 months ago

For all those who’ve lost their jobs, I’m sorry, and hope you land on your feet. For Epic…

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 22 points 9 months ago

They’re Evil Arseholes, what’d you expect.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 25 points 10 months ago

I used The New Oil’s guide. It’s pretty good, one of the more complete guides I’ve seen.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 28 points 11 months ago

Inside: Vomit + insects (cockroaches, I think). Software: The weebiest weeb setup (images, boot sounds, etc) to ever exist.

[-] Platform27@lemmy.ml 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Until quantum computers actually exist, I wouldn’t believe a lot of the marketing you hear about “quantum encryption “. Every time I think about this subject I think about that case where their “quantum encryption” was broken, by a regular (decade old) computer, within an hour:


Right now it’s all marketing, with some nice research. Right now we need regular, actually useable encryption.

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