Until the plane crashes into your house.
Each time Batman beat, did not kill, and captured the Joker for arrest the judicial system ruled him insane and he was held in a high security psychiatric ward/prison vs killing him. So, using the same measure, you could blame the laws, judges, juries, doctors, etc for all of Jokers future crimes when he broke out agian.
Mmmm, I love that my tv's remote constantly listens to my conversations and sends recordings back to the maker all under the guise of "improving voice control".
If you want to disarm this guy all you have to do is take his pencil.
"Elemelons". Now that is a new favorite high word, next to banana. Banananananananananana.....
Complaining that something works or that people prefer things that work is a very backasswards critique and deepens the presumed stereotype that home Linux users are just nerds who only like to tinker (which is just partially true).
Or a cop trying to paint themselves a victim.