[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 28 points 2 weeks ago

It has been THE viteo platform for literally decades. There is so much content there; it would be a tremendous effort to direct that elsewhere.

And that other site would quickly succumb to storage and bandwidth costs. What options could exist?

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 23 points 3 weeks ago

How can people, "experts" even, work on shit like this with a good conscience? Even if they earn millions, they are still undressing all of us including their own families!

I refuse to believe they don't know, but why don't they care?

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 28 points 2 months ago

If they keep shelling a nuclear power plant, then it damn well won't be a nuclear ACCIDENT.

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 29 points 2 months ago

I'm sure they meant "in the end" and not "it's about time".

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 25 points 4 months ago

It's nearly 500 000 now. Insane.

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

Looks like nobody pointed out the obvious here:

Domains cost around 10-20$€£ per year. That amount is rent, paid to the registrar.

If you find a domain that costs more than that, then you are not dealing with a registrar. You are dealing with a domain squatter that owns the usage rights to that domain name, and the price is what they demand to transfer that right to you.

If you're stupid enough to pay that, you'll still need to pay the actual fee to the registrar when the next billing period starts.

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 25 points 7 months ago

AI, Twatter, Tesla - there's hardly anything else in this community... :(

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 32 points 7 months ago

Poland gonna Poland.

Or, as they say in Germany: "Take a vacation in Poland. Your car is already there."

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 26 points 8 months ago

Yes, that's me. I have no interest in a nerdy deep-dive into esoteric distros that may be "better" according to whatever metric you suggest. To me, it's just a machine that needs to work.

With Windows, getting help when things break is easy. For a non-nerd USER, it has to be the same for Linux. Ubuntu was intended from the start to be made for people like me, and with AskUbuntu there's a large support site.

I know you can tweak your distro better, and it's faster, and so on. But it requires knowledge that I don't care to learn - just as I am not an auto mechanic, I just drive the machine.

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 29 points 9 months ago

If only people cared. Sadly, they don't.

Source: am one of probably three people in the country that refuse to use Meta CRAPWARE. And thus, very lonely.

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 25 points 9 months ago

It's like an outdoor Roomba. Very common in Europe, nothing special at all.


Having ordered my first 3D printer, I am giddy and preparing various things.

I have installed Octoprint on my home server as a Docker container, but when running it, it seems that it wants to have a serial connection to a printer. Octoprint expects to be running on a Raspberry that is connected via its serial interface.

What am I missing?

The printer I ordered (Prusa Mini) comes with a wifi dongle, so I guess there will be a way to reach it over the network. But that does not automagically mean Octoprint can work with it.


I am looking to buy a 3D printer for my son (and for myself too). We want to print, not tinker, so it should be something that gives great results right from the start.

Can you guide me to a sensible choice?

My first choice would have to be the Prusa MK3S Plus but it is outside the price range I am shopping for, except if I buy used -- would that be bad to do?

Realistic choices:

  • €380 used Prusa MK3S+, with 10 days printing time
  • €400 new Prusa Mini+
  • €250 new Ender 3 V2 Neo


  • High quality, no hassle. I want to print, not tinker.
  • Preferably (semi)assembled.
  • Auto bed leveling.
  • Auto error detection (filament, power, etc.?).
  • Budget up to 600 EUR/USD including extras, excluding filament.
  • Speed is not important.
  • Size is not important.
  • Must not be cloud-based.


  • Surface?! Smooth, os satin, or textured? (Why) Should I have more than one kind?
  • (Why) Do I need an enclosure?
Praise for Voyager (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

For all the amazing work and effort that is being poured into the fediverse in the past several weeks, and in particular what we users can see with the Voyager app - this deserves to be said with great gratitude!

❤️ Voyager is such a polished app ❤️

Just small details like how the app takes you one step back for each time you press the "Posts" button, from comment to post, from post to feed, to top of feed, and finally, to communities.

Much elegant, very wow 🐶


TLDR: I consistently fail to set up Nextcloud on Docker. Halp pls?

Hi all - please help out a fellow self-hoster, if you have experience with Nextcloud. I have tried several approaches but I fail at various steps. Rather than describe my woes, I hope that I could get a "known good" configuration from the community?

What I have:

  • a homelab server and a NAS, wired to a dedicated switch using priority ports.
  • the server is running Linux, Docker, and NPM proxy which takes care of domains and SSL certs.

What I want:

  • a docker-compose.yml that sets up Nextcloud without SSL. Just that.
  • ideally but optionally, the compose file might include Nextcloud office-components and other neat additions that you have found useful.

Your comments, ideas, and other input will be much appreciated!!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

TLDR: I am running some Docker containers on a homelab server, and the containers' volumes are mapped to NFS shares on my NAS. Is that bad performance?

  • I have a Linux PC that acts as my homelab server, and a Synology NAS.
  • The server is fast but has 100GB SSD.
  • The NAS is slow(er) but has oodles of storage.
  • Both devices are wired to their own little gigabit switch, using priority ports.

Of course it's slower to run off HDD drives compared to SSD, but I do not have a large SSD. The question is: (why) would it be "bad practice" to separate CPU and storage this way? Isn't that pretty much what a data center also does?

submitted 11 months ago by PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

Sorry, noob here. I have been using Linux for a decade at least, but some basic stuff still stump me. Today, it's file sharing: The idea is that the server is good at CPU and the NAS is good at storage. My NAS does run Docker but the services are slow; and my server runs a bunch of Docker containers just fine but has limited disk space (SSD).


  • Share a directory on my NAS, so that my homelab server can use it.
  • Security is not important; the share does not need to be locked down.


  • Server+NAS are on their own little 1Gb Cisco switch, so network latency should be minimal.
  • Linux NAS and Linux server have separate users/UID/GID.

Whatever I try, it always ends up with errors about 'access denied' or read-only or something. I conclude that I am not smart enough to figure it out.


submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Prove me wrong, please?

edit: thanks for all the great comments, this is really helpful. My main take-away is that it does work, but requires dry air. In humid conditions it doesn't really do anything.

Spouse bought this thing that claims to cool the air by blowing across some moist pads. It's about as large as a toaster, and it has a small water tank on the side. The water drips onto the bottom of the device, where it is soaked up by a sort of filter. A fan blows air through the filter.

  1. Spouse insists that the AIR gets cooled by evaporation.
  2. I say the FILTER gets cooled by evaporation.
  3. Spouse says the cooled filter then cools the air, so it works.
  4. I say the evaporation pulls heat (and water) from the filter, so the output is actually air that is both warmer and wetter than the input air. That's not A/C, that's a sauna. (Let's ignore the microscopic amount of heat generated by the cheap Chinese fan.)

By my reckoning, the only way to cool a ROOM is to transport the heat outside. This does not do that.

We can cool OURSELVES by letting a regular fan blow on us = WE are the moist filter, and the evaporation of our sweat cools us. One could argue that the slightly more humid air from this device has a better heat transfer capacity than drier air, but still, it is easier to sweat away heat in dry air than in humid air.

Am I crazy? I welcome your judgment!

[-] PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world 25 points 11 months ago

I don't think you can get around that. What I do is that if the site requires a registration, or has a full-screen cookie banner, then I just close that tab. End of story.

If I can't view it easily, then I will just not view it.


Colors are important!

Red = bad, stop, no, don't, forbidden. That does NOT go with upvotes.

English Weather (lemmy.world)

The Archbishop of Canterbury and The Royal Commission for Political Correctness announced today that the climate in the UK should no longer be referred to as 'English Weather'.

In order to no longer offend a sizable portion of the UK population, it will now be referred to as 'Muslim Weather' -- partly Sunni, but mostly Shi'ite.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world to c/tifu@lemmy.world

Two minutes ago, I decided to clean up the post-Reddit mess on my phone.

I uninstalled RIF, because I use Wefwef now.

I uninstalled kbin, because I use Wefwef now.

Lots of icons disappeared from my launcher. Oops.

In my haste, I failed to notice that kbin is not an app, but actually a browser app like Wefwef. So I did not uninstall kbin - in fact I uninstalled Firefox! And with that, I lost all my launcher shortcuts, all my open tabs, and all my browser apps ( including kbin but also including Wefwef).

I really don't know all the stuff I lost that way but hey, if. I don't miss it then maybe that's okay?


Having been a sailor for 40 years, I am better at "red&green" than "left&right", and I always knew that red was on the left and green on the right (duh, obviously).

When I was young, my dad (also a sailor) even made a point of mounting one red and one green grip on my bicycle handlebar; of course I did the same with with boys' bikes.

Well, today I learned that this is called "Region A", and the Americas and a few other countries are called "Region B" where the red&green is reversed: red is on the right (and green on the left)!

To make things even weirder, navigational lights are not reversed in Region B.

Mind blown.


I haven't figured this one out yet. I mark them as read on the website instead.

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