[-] Poik@pawb.social 8 points 1 month ago

This is a fair question. But also, we're talking about one of the most influential minds in deep learning. If anything he's selling himself short. He's definitely not first author on most of them, but I would give all my limbs to work in his lab.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 7 points 1 month ago

My parents.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 7 points 1 month ago

Good luck. Don't catch covid again if you can help it. Repeated exposure makes it worse. Pretty sure that's where I'm at. At least I've been up to date with vaccines or it could have been much worse, likely.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 8 points 1 month ago

They still need to go through Sony to get it onto the PS5. And Sony's forced weird things before. It's why there was an exclusive character for each console during Soul Calibur 2 days, Sony forced exclusive content in a game they didn't publish in order to have that game on their console. There are plenty of other examples from that time, but I didn't own a Sony system back then, so I can't remember any off the top of my head.

Sony has final say on anything that goes into their console's library, but they mostly mess with directly published games these days.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 6 points 4 months ago

It depends on how far the doctors went when they removed a part of you without permission or consent. There are levels of skin tightness that some people are on the unfortunate end of, if the doctor took an excessive amount. And in general, there are a huge number of nerves in the foreskin which are significantly more sensitive, so cut members will need more stimulation than they would have, and that can lead to chaffing when attempting to receive the same results as they could have with foreskin.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 8 points 4 months ago

I love discord, for what it's for. Quick synchronous talks you will never refer back to again. So not software development where indexable logs of information are necessary. I know discord has indexing, and now some form of forum. But every discord I've been to for development (especially modding communities) has a large corpus of synchronous logs where people get annoyed if you ask a question that was answered one before a long time ago with extremely common language making it nearly impossible to search for because the keywords have been used out of context of your question hundreds of times since the question was asked.

If the Dev communities used the forums mode in discord more, it wouldn't always solve it, but it'd be much better. There are better places than discord for these things, but I have been trying to meet people where they're established.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 8 points 5 months ago

Hannah Montana Linux. Do I have to explain?

[-] Poik@pawb.social 7 points 6 months ago

Sounds like anywhere in VA that isn't Alexandria or Tyson's Corner.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 6 points 7 months ago

A game with the time travel self interaction and self saving mechanics of Super Time Force Ultra. Doesn't have to be a side scroller. Bonus points for getting multiplayer to work reasonably. I've been theorycrafting ways to do multiplayer like this for years (and ultimately most of it feels disjointed in theory so IDK). I've only seen one super low budget game using this mechanic (as a main game mechanic, not a side puzzle like the Ratchet and Clank time puzzles) and the reviews weren't great.

I've been considering mixing it with 5D Chess with Time Travel mechanics and Advance Wars gameplay as a proof of concept and see how far that gets me... But I don't have time or energy to work on it after work...

[-] Poik@pawb.social 6 points 10 months ago

looks at home instance name That I hang out with furries. Still considered a more controversial thing than actually evil things in politics in my country.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 8 points 11 months ago

Umm... It's clinical, so dopamine.

[-] Poik@pawb.social 6 points 1 year ago

Yep. R/Noita went private and moved to the discord I was already in, but Discord is a terrible replacement for Reddit. I don't have time to read everything in the community to find anything in the community... So now I only have the comment section in FuryForged to find new discoveries in one of the most ridiculously complicated physics simulators I play.

It's an obscure enough community that I doubt it will reopen there, and I'd lose some respect for it if it reopened before Reddit actually listened to a single word we said.

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