[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 42 points 1 day ago

Not still, but again. Moved back when Covid hit and my company started to allow working from home. Honestly, I prefer it. Lived in a tiny city apartment, now I live in a large house in a village, with a garden and lots of nature around. The house would be too large and expensive for my mom to live there alone, so it makes sense for both of us.

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 103 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Aren't Trump's lawyers currently arguing in front of the supreme court that it would have been perfectly legal for Biden to do so, him being immune from all criminal prosecution while president?


I'm currently waiting for all the components for my PC upgrade to arrive. Got the motherboard today and immediately upon opening, I noticed that the CMOS battery was not in its slot but just kind of next to it loose on top of the board. The slot seems fine, it seems to fit securely in there. No scratches on the board either. But now I'm a bit worried - could the battery have shorted something on the motherboard? It holds a charge after all. What do you think - should I return it for a new one untested or are the chances of the battery harming anything so miniscule that I should just go for it and use it in my build?


The Steam Deck's multitouch screen might be its most underutilised feature. Until recently, I wasn't even sure whether devs could use it for anything more than simple mouse emulation. But I've just started playing "Sky: Children of the Light" on my Deck (which is generally a great experience on Deck, especially on the OLED with 90Hz HDR) and I found that when using a musical instrument, you can actually use the touchscreen to play up to 10 notes at the same time.

This got me curious: Do you know if there are any other games on Deck using multitouch, or is Sky the first one that does it?


Für mich 90% Übereinstimmung mit Volt

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 107 points 2 months ago

Sources state Glance will not capture data, but will instead leverage a user’s “patterns” to offer recommendations.

Those "patterns" are literally data. What a nonsensical sentence.

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 132 points 4 months ago

How exactly is Biden responsible for Republicans blocking any Ukraine aid that he's trying to get through congress?

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 160 points 4 months ago

The wizard was called "Le Sorcier". Lovecraft wrote that story when he was 17, so I think we can cut him some slack that it wasn't a masterpiece.

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 131 points 5 months ago

The word "AI" has been used for way longer than the current LLM trend, even for fairly trivial things like enemy AI in video games. How would you even define a computer "thinking on its own"?


That would explain why I didn't have any problems with Youtube and uBlock Origin.

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 213 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Because religion provides comfort, community and a meaning to people's existence that goes beyond "we were born of chance on an insignificant rock somewhere in the universe".

(I'm not religious BTW)


I've noticed that Pawb no longer seems to receive any new posts from any feddit.de communities. For example, if I view the "DACH" community through Pawb, the latest post is from 7 days ago, while on feddit itself, there were many posts in the last 7 days. Both instances still seem to be federated and aren't on each other's blocklists. Any idea what is happening here?

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 389 points 6 months ago

dominates the federation

Well there you have it.

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 101 points 7 months ago

Sea of Thieves has microtransactions.

No Man's Sky was wildly successful at launch, making the devs a ton of money. I guess they felt bad about not delivering on their promises, so they used that money to fund further development.

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 157 points 10 months ago
[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 139 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Eh, just another Chromium browser.


Hi everyone! I've noticed for a while now that I can't reply to comments made by kbin accounts using my account here. Not even talking about kbin threads, but for example if I reply to any kbin-made comment over on feddit.de, once I click submit it just keeps spinning without ever posting the reply. I often see users from other lemmy instances replying to them though, so it doesn't seem like a general lemmy problem. Does everyone else here have this problem as well?

[-] PonyOfWar@pawb.social 155 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Smart speakers with personal assistants like Amazon Echo etc. Not remotely useful enough to be worth placing spying Equipment all over my home.

Wireless headphones. So now I'm supposed to recharge my headphones and get worse sound quality for it? In a few years they become e-waste, while good wired headphones can last decades. No thanks.

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