[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

Psst... It also has sound 🥲

You'll thank me later


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/16879091

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)
[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

Turkish Airways dances all the way to the bank

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Remember when Netflix started showing ads on a paid plan, and everybody was saying they'll quit.

"Haha! Look how Netflix will be thrown into the hole with Blockbuster, so nobody will follow."

So, where are we today? Everybody starts doing it, and Netflix is better than it was then.

Yeah, you'll have to forgive me for not being so sure Roku will eat too much shit over this, and that more companies will not follow.

I see Samsung's boner from here.

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago

One could show a different icon for Android vs iOS. I believe we have the technology to achieve this.

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 7 points 3 months ago

Had the same problem with my banking app. Fortunately, mine was solved with a reboot.

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 28 points 5 months ago

True... But if you buy and return it you can give it a negative review?

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 26 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

If you make the same search for America, letter B is probably on ~~purge~~ page 3

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 27 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You seem confused. Amazon is in the business of stealing open source project in order to sell them as AWS services, not making them.

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 23 points 7 months ago

Considering that, after Netflix enabled anti account sharing, they got an increase in subscriptions, I've lost faith in humanity, and believe YouTube will succeed in the same way

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 45 points 8 months ago

Powered only by the sun and pure ugliness

[-] PostaL@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

If antivaxxers could read, they'd be very upset

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