[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 0 points 1 day ago

Not moving is easier than moving.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

If I'm making an account and potentially moving to a whole new SaaS ecosystem, I might wanna know if what's going on.

Imagine moving to a new email address, informing every single person about your new email, and then the company goes under. Or starts displaying ads. Etc., etc.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

I think that'll work. Any more complex than that and you'll lose them.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Unless it's actually detected with some sort of brain scanner, it's all questions / answers.

For example, I don't want to get an official diagnosis, because I don't want it in my medical records, becaus it might impede things, such as getting a driving licence.

Many doctors where I'm from, tried trearing ADHD with antidepressants. Which is like the exact opposite of what's needed.

Yes, I'm from a weird place.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 47 points 2 days ago

"As verbs the difference between sheared and shorn is that sheared is past tense of shear while shorn is past tense of shear."

Thanks, internet, you're very useful.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

I wouldn't call them clueless. Just obnoxious.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago

Entertainment above all.

The bigger half US doesn't care about facts.

The only criterion that's needed is TO SPEAK LOUDLY.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 78 points 2 days ago

a treasonous, syphalitic crook.

...that's also a senile old man.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 41 points 2 days ago

No matter how you are going to vote, your next president will be a "genocide supporter".

I'd pick the one that's a bit less enthusiastic about it.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 56 points 2 days ago

Trump is the perfect representative of the US tourists we see here in Europe.

Not all, of course, because you don't notice the quiet / decent ones. (Hey, just like the election , huh)

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 25 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

"Radical" :

Sprays famous rocks with corn starch
Throws soup at some plexiglass
Glues hand to some road (more damage to the hand than the road) and makes a temporary trafic jam.

You can't get less radical than this, because then it wouldn't be a protest.

These people have my respect, because they play "the traditional media" like a fiddle.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 25 points 3 days ago



Quite literally. How come when we feel "confused", we start getting the need to expel the contents from our stomach?

I get that we get sea-sick because of "mixed signals" coming in to our brain. But why do we feel nauseous? How come the centre of the problem becomes the stomach, and not some sort of heightened sense of needing to find balance?

Hope this question makes at leasr some sense. Thanks!

[3.22 Info] New Gems info (www.pathofexile.com)
submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee
submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee

In the Trial of the Ancestors expansion, notifications for Trade Requests, Guild Invitations, PvP Challenges, Party Invitations, and the all new Hideout Invitation have distinct icons.

submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee
submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee

"In Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors, you'll be able to hold the Alt key while hovering over a stack of Currency Items in the trade window to see the total quantity being offered."

submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee

"If you'd like to play a Damage over Time build but don't have time to wait around for Ailments to deal Damage, check out Sadism Support! It causes supported Skills to have less Ailment Duration and deal Damage with Ailments Faster."

submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee

Devour Support causes Killing Blows from Supported Skills to consume corpses to Recover Life and Mana.

submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee
submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee
submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee

Spells supported by Spellblade Support have added Spell Damage equal to a percentage of Damage of Equipped One-Hand Melee Weapons. Whoever said a sword couldn't channel magic just as well as a wand, anyway?

submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee
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