[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 52 points 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This is what Reddit used to do for me. The weirdest thing Reddit ever did was give me the name of an insect that for years I tried to Google when I would see it and I have legitimately only ever seen the bug 3 times in my 28 years of life. They are so small, so infrequent, and so rare that I thought for years I wasn't even seeing an I sect but just a fuzz from a dandelion once it changes.

I mean for actual fucking years I could not find the regular name, the slang name (usually changes based on dialect, or even the scientific name. The amount of times I searched for "white fuzzy bug" or "white floating bug." No matter the combination. I even would tell people, "I remember seeing this bug and I have seen it so rarely I don't even know if it is real." And most of my friends would say, "yeah never seen it." And then that one friend would say, "dude me too." And then one fucking day I open Reddit and God dammit if I didn't believe it someone gave me the name. Actual years of feeling insane and thinking those little fuckers were a sign of something higher because of how fragile and cute they are and Reddit not only gives me the name, confirms I am sane but enlightens me on the little bastards they actually are.

I am from West Virginia and if you made it this far well by God if you have seen one then I swear on mother nature you aren't insane and we are in this together.

EDIT: A better site and image

Woolly Aphid

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 54 points 8 months ago

My activity dropped because I can't enter a single thread that isn't about, big corpo, Linux, and how I shouldn't spend money.

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 71 points 9 months ago

Lobbying should be fucking banned.

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 69 points 10 months ago

Uh? You okay man?

submitted 10 months ago by Prethoryn@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 45 points 10 months ago

If you are still on Twitter, wait sorry, X, then you literally have nothing better to do with your life.

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 40 points 10 months ago

Bro, nothing is cheap for you if you do that.

For the average consumer cloud storage is still pretty damn cheap.

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 46 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Fuck Libre Office and Open Office.

I really hate the, "we should all use Linux" mentality and I see it on here a lot. Let me tell someone who barely knows how to send a fucking file over the internet how to fix their broken repository that decided to randomly break during an Linux upgrade.

Linux and Windows do different things in different ways that make sense in both ways for different reasons. Not everyone should hate Windows or vice versa, Linux, because this entire Lemmy community thinks it is superior in every way.

I get pissed off by office as well but you know what it has some pretty damn good features. It works in the cloud it's easy to sync across my decides.

Windows updates break things but at least MS and Windows has a massive catalogue of fixes and ways to go back.

I love Linux but holy mother of fucking God it is an absolute pain in the ass to fix when it breaks and you expect me to tell my Mom to understand that.

No, we should not all be using Linux because Linux does not work for all models needing to be met. I hate to be that aggressive asshole but Jesus Christ I keep seeing this on Lemmy and it's just a god damn stupid fucking statement. Oh and for fucks sake. If I see, "what kind of Linux system are you using that breaks." Dammit, I have literally seen Linux break in the middle of a college classroom demonstration of just installing it and wouldn't you know it just like Windows it isn't perfect. Get off your high horse people. You don't know something more than the average person because you use Linux or Windows or hell even Unix.

submitted 10 months ago by Prethoryn@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 37 points 10 months ago

I am confused? Do you guys not check where you are saving something?

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 40 points 10 months ago

I think it is funny that this community thinks it knows everything about privacy and security and every time I see a post like this it becomes apparent that the main of this community doesn't.

I like the Fediverse but it is a security and privacy nightmare.

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 43 points 11 months ago

I don't understand the issue here?

You want open source and free software. You get that with a developer trying to make a living to improve upon a product like Jerboa. Jerboa works but by comparison to Sync it is rough. By rough I mean the UI is not the best, it needs way more time and polish not only looks nice but has extra features and functions to make it stand out.

With something like Jerboa you would donate money by choice but if your argument is free and open source you need to donate more money to support that.

Sync is popular because its closed source makes it harder to break the security aspect if you don't have all the access to source code. It is popular because it was a great app for Reddit and had that advantage. You know what people did to help the developer make a living and put more time into it? They supported it willingly by paying for extra features to help the dev and get more out of the money they were willing to spend.

I understand free and open source APIs being available and wanting more free and open source software to stay that way to make all things free and open. So support the apps you appreciate being free by willingly providing money which in return makes them not free.

If you want things to get better somewhat you invest in them. If they go belly up well then it was a bad investment. Sync is a fantastic app and it has the edge because it has a good developer and has had a good community who pays for it and supports it because things you love you will support. If you are a good developer you give more for that money provided.

The PS Mini literally used an emulator to play games. A free open source emulator that you could find. People still paid for a console that charged to use that open source software. Why? Because they loved gaming at home and the product.

I will pay for Sync because it makes a product better. A product that makes a newcomer leave Reddit and find Lemmy. An app that provides familiar and easy to use features. An app that has the edge that can make Lemmy a smoother experience. Just because something charges money, which by the way is an optional choice, and just because something is close sourced which by the way tends to be more secure doesn't make the product bad. It can bring more into the community.

If your issue with Lemmy isn't that it's FOSS but your issue with other platforms is that they run poorly or they need more polish well then you are arguing against yourself.

[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 61 points 11 months ago

That is also a giant red flag. Normally, when you are paid via some non-taxable reward, it means your "promotion" isn't ever going to come with benefits that allow you to go climbing up the ladder. You made a good decision there.

submitted 11 months ago by Prethoryn@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
[-] Prethoryn@lemmy.world 40 points 11 months ago

I am an Android user but this comment should be taken very lightly. As this is not the cause the truth is that Apple is at fault here for still using SMS as the default messaging protocol. However, with that being said, SMS breaks messages on iPhone and the devices have been geared towards iPhone users in away that makes it seem like Android is the issue with image quality and texting. The marketing is excellent on Apple's end towards the competition and it is working.

However, that doesn't mean iPhone isn't the problem. I have a sibling who got bullied for having an iPhone. Apple's answer to these problems is just, "get an iPhone." This is equivalent to, "can't figure it out? Just Google it." The problem with this mentality is it gives more power to monopolizing platforms. Apple is a growing giant and if they had their way you would just have an iPhone and if Apple has expressed anything in the past 8 years it's that they aren't exactly the innovators with mobile devices anymore. To me the problem is on an iPhone nothing would change.

A little irrelevant rant but my point is that the average iPhone consumer has been given a marketing ploy so it is a deal breaker because they think it is an issue and in all fairness it is one but only Google is trying to fix. Issue is that Google should have tried to fix it years ago. You can't blame iPhone users for wanting to use other platforms to message you if your message is compressed heavily by Apple's shitty and stupid fucking decision to keep using SMS to control the market. The care about user experience is overshadowed by the desire to use that as a means to make money off of a user that doesn't understand messaging protocols. Fuck Apple.


For those of you that have never used Sync here on Lemmy. Sync for reddit had a tablet mode switch you could toggle on and it was easily the most user friendly app with tablets it could split your feed in half while allowing you to scroll right in the feed and on the left hand side for your threads and it created multi tabs for threads you had open.

I wonder if Sync for Lemmy will be able to do the same thing.

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