[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 52 points 4 months ago

My friend used to work for CNET. She was laid off along with a decent amount of her coworkers years ago, maybe as much as 10+ IIRC, but yeah - they’ve been going downhill for awhile now and it seems to only be accelerating.

It’s really a shame because they used to be such a trusted source. Enshittification marches on to a steady beat.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 49 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

One girl drank two cups, and another girl drank one cup and a third said she did not like the smoothies and barely drank any at all. It was unclear how many smoothies Meyden’s daughter drank, but one girl told police it appeared to be a significant amount, the affidavit said.

One girl drank at least twice as much as the others, and the guy drugged his own daughter, too. What a piece of shit.

A girl who told police she drank two smoothies said she began to feel woozy, hot and clumsy, shortly after finishing the second smoothie. She said she “blacked out” and slipped into a “thick, deep sleep” she never experienced before, the affidavit said.

I know they’re only 12, but how much did he put in there I wonder?

And did the girl who didn’t drink much of the smoothie just not like the flavor or whatever, or did she think it tasted weird because she could taste whatever he spiked it with?

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 29 points 4 months ago

Much of that board was booted once Altman was brought back, and the lawsuit suggests he “hand-picked” a new board with little “technical expertise or any substantial background in AI governance, which the previous board had by design.”

Instead, the lawsuit states, the new board included members “with more experience in profit-centric enterprises or politics than in AI ethics and governance. They were also reportedly ‘big fans of Altman.’

Bro let me tell you about a little company called “Twitter”. Sit down tho, because that shit is wild.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 24 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

By “support”, do they mean treating them like human beings instead of mocking and deriding them?

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 16 points 4 months ago

Ok but is anything that Trump ever claims really supported by data?

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 20 points 5 months ago

He quickly doubled down on his 2020 election lies: “They don’t investigate the people that cheated in the election. They investigate the people that understand they cheated and go after them. But they don’t investigate the people who cheated like hell. We have to have fair and free elections.”


[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 15 points 7 months ago

The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas has tallied 106 deaths in Border Patrol vehicle pursuits from January 2010 to June of this year. Deaths averaged 3.5 a year through 2019 but spiked in 2020, leading officials to develop a new policy for vehicle pursuits with an eye toward increasing safety.

The policy announced in January stops short of prohibiting chases but, according to CBP, “provides a clear framework for weighing the risks of conducting pursuits, such as the dangers they present to the public, against the law enforcement benefit or need.”

Either the framework isn’t as clear as you think it is, or they just don’t give a shit.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 41 points 7 months ago

Their search used to be amazing, now it’s shit.

If you disagree, I’m sorry you can’t remember when there was a time that it was infinitely better. It was so good, in fact, that their name actually became a verb. Crazy, right?

They’re slowly killing Waze by removing features. Believe it or not, that app used to be even cooler too.

That. That’s why.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 41 points 7 months ago

What the fuck NBC?!?!

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 33 points 11 months ago

That’s awful but not surprising. I would wager that the Venn Diagram of people who donated and people who watch Fox News 24/7 is probably pretty close to just 1 circle.

Like the pillow guy and everyone else on there, they’re grifters playing on the fears of the elderly. It’s not unlike the scammer call YT vids where they take control of the computer.

It makes me sad because I do feel like this older demographic is more susceptible to the fear mongering so they are taken advantage of as a result, but while they’re sending money the rest of us have to suffer the consequences of their actions if it ends up tipping an election one way vs another. There is no good answer, sadly. Snake oil salesmen of some sort have probably existed since ear the beginning of modern civilization.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

In recent news, Google has put forth a proposal known as the "Web Environment Integrity Explainer", authored by four of its engineers.

Imagine someone telling you this is your job and you do it.

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