
joined 10 months ago

Mississippi is also dirt poor. Rather than per resident, l'd like to see per 100k cars.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Is this something I can teach myself? Also, I'd like further research about how these frogs are teaching at all.

There was a whole subreddit for that in the times I was still over there. It's a small slice of the community, but it exists.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Wht did he hike the one pant leg?

This was gonna be my question. How much for the brand name and domain?

I'm curious to see if Gold Apollo will be offered any remuneration for lost brand confidence over this. Their name has been everywhere and they had almost nothing to do with it.

Fair point. I'd misread this as Russia encouraging youths to attack Ukrainian equipment instead of broader Europe.

It'd be analagous to Ukraine encouraging sabotage in Iran or China.

Absurd. If I could trust my cat not to freak out, I'd definitely let her ride my shoulders everywhere.

Almost as heavy as seven individual guns! But on the upside, you don't need friends to help fight off the enemy columns.

But god, what a beautiful stock.

They never asked for this. Give 'em the disposable foamies and make eye contact while pushing no.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Conservative, yeah. Unelectable, sure. As far as unqualified? AFAIK, she meets the wickets to be president.

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