[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 27 points 1 month ago

denting car windshields

What cars have dentable windshields?

Prince King

Wait, that's his name? Did his parents choose that name??

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 31 points 1 month ago

Be mindful that ... air conditioning nullifies the effects for cavities.

Got any sources for that? My admittedly very brief search just turned up a bunch of stuff about ventilation and COVID/aerosols.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 24 points 1 month ago

I absolutely can't stand minty or cinnamon toothpaste, and have really struggled with brushing my teeth because of it. It drives me absolutely insane that so many of the flavors I can tolerate are only available in fluoride free formulations and/or get discontinued.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 30 points 2 months ago

Not quite a command, but I seem to have confused my oldest cat so that he thinks "excuse me" is a threat. He'll be blocking a doorway, and if I say "excuse me" as I try to pass, he hisses and possibly swats, but if I just silently try to squeeze past, we're all good. Currently working to undo that one.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 81 points 2 months ago

The bird pictured is very likely male. Male birds tend to be brightly colored, while females and juveniles are often "dull-colored", such as brown or grey.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 33 points 2 months ago

added sugar in the form of sucrose or honey in samples of Nido, a follow-up milk formula brand intended for use for infants aged one and above,

I hate that it sounds as if I'm defending them, but the only specific mention of honey does say it was in a product targeted at children over 1 year old. I believe the recommendation I've heard is that honey is dangerous for children under 1 year old. But fuck, if unsweetened products are good enough for infants in wealthy countries, WTF are they doing adding it to products aimed at infants in poorer countries??

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 61 points 2 months ago

Hokay, so here's the earth.

Know Your Meme

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

I'm in the US, and this has been my technique too. I've found that listing things for free gets me people with a million questions and complications, but if I list something at a cheap price, the whole process is usually much smoother.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 43 points 3 months ago

Holy fuck no! That's not normal, and I can't possibly believe that's legal.

Note: my experience is based on living primarily in liberal cities in the US.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 33 points 4 months ago

Quick, someone photoshop the legs to complete the third heart!

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 28 points 4 months ago

Pumpkin pie using fresh pie pumpkins. It's not that hard, but it takes more time and means washing more dishes, and no one that I know of can tell the difference vs. a pie made using canned 100% pumpkin.

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