[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

You're an inspiration to us all. Well done, sir!

I on the other hand may have crossed the threshold where I have more games than time to live. I'd better get a move on.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

It started with me manually downloading a mod and shoving the files into the Steam game directly.

Then I installed the windows version of Nexus Mods Manager using Wine and pointed it to the Skyrim in Linux Steam that runs as a Flatpak.

Yes, it is a dumb hack. But it works.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Sorry everyone. Ill try to do better, I promise.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

I understand that.

I upvote insightful, educational or newsworthy content and downvote clickbait. Especially YouTube clickbait.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

It's not the cost. I've not pirated anything since Steam and GOG came along. It's just that games nowadays want you to be online all the time, force you to open accounts you don't want, try to sell you in game items (that's a brilliant idea to get money from certain types of people, a bit like religion, do congratulations to whoever came up with that).

I want games to be single player playable, offline, start to finish. I'll buy expansion packs if the game is worth it. It's it too much to ask?

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 53 points 2 months ago

Achievement unlocked.

If you can fix it you unlock another one. If you manage to boot the system without using a rescue USB pen you unlock another one.

submitted 3 months ago by Quazatron@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I've worked with some pretty rotten software, but management software is easily the most user unfriendly, so my vote goes to HPSM.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 51 points 4 months ago

Did you know that "Terminate" is not an appropriate way to stop an AWS EC2 instance? I sure as hell didn't.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 129 points 4 months ago

I read the first paragraph and saw your prerequisites included working with nvidia.

That is a non-starter, right there. You can blame Linux for a whole lot of little flaws, but most of the blame should go to your hardware vendor for providing shitty support for Linux.


Hello gentlemen. It seems I've already have this in my collection, so maybe one of you want it?


% = G

Steam code. Comment below after you've redeemed it.

submitted 7 months ago by Quazatron@lemmy.world to c/europe@feddit.de

Attorney general statement confirms searches, arrest of António Costa's chief of staff and reveals that the Supreme Court of Justice will analyze suspicions that Costa intervened to “unblock” the lithium, hydrogen and data center businesses that are being investigated

submitted 8 months ago by Quazatron@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

What name have you chosen for your robot and why?

My Roomba is called Ramiro, after my slightly alcoholic uncle.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 128 points 9 months ago

Former CEO gathers 20-30 of us in the board room, talks about the difficult economy, proceeds to fire everyone.

The silence was deafening.

The meeting ends, he stands at the door expecting us to shake his hand as we leave.

Not a single person shook his hand.

submitted 10 months ago by Quazatron@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

I see the question asked a lot in Linux groups, so I hope this bit of knowledge may help someone here.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 117 points 11 months ago

I keep seeing this question pop up. "Why doesn't [closed/proprietary technology] work well in Linux?"

This question should be asked at whoever makes said technology. You are their client, why don't they support your operating system?

That responsibility should not fall on the shoulders of the thankless volunteers that do their best to create an awesome OS.

Alternatively you can buy one of the commercial distributions and become a client. Then you can ask your supplier why don't they support that technology.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 95 points 11 months ago

Constantine - 46%

Predator - 34%

Ghost in the Shell - 43%

Hellboy - 17%

Robocop (2016) - 49%

Well, it seems like I have poor taste in movies after all.

[-] Quazatron@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago
  1. Tries to use Windows conventions on Linux, without bothering to learn the differences. A 30 second Google search would suffice.
  2. Fails.
  3. Posts a rant blaming Linux for "not working properly".
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