[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 27 points 15 hours ago

Because of Ubisofts business decisions, I refuse to buy anymore of their games, and I absolutely love Assassin's Creed. Fuck greed. Fuck those leeches that just take and take.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 87 points 1 month ago

We need a publicly funded video hosting service like PBS.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 151 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Gasoline causes very serious harm. We should ban people from using it. Guns are extremely harmful if used correctly. Maybe we should ban people from using guns. Fentanyl, that harms people. Botox harms people. Oxygen can even harm people. We NEED to stop people from having access to oxygen.

Edit: I just realized we're doing everything wrong! The single most leading cause of death, out of everything combined, is life. Life causes death. It is imperative that in order to stop things from dying, we need to stop them from living! My God, why hasn't anyone thought of this yet! TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 103 points 3 months ago

I thought they were all about state's rights vs federal mandate. If it doesn't happen in their state, they can fuck off.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 98 points 4 months ago

An ex-president is encouraging attacks on allies by a major enemy. It's as simple as that. Once again, Trump proves he is a threat to the US. He's literally a security risk.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 70 points 5 months ago

I just wish there was some historical example to show how it's wrong to eliminate an entire group of people. Then, they could teach the Israeli government that the systematic removal of a group of people is wrong. But none such example exists. We need to build a great hall that tells of the cost of life by war and hatred. It will be called the great Hall of Cost.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 92 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Trump is such a pussy. Yes, I will judge anyone who still supports this weak, sad, mentally deranged man. People keep throwing around accusations of this and that is what is wrong with America, well, the fact that anyone even allows this traitor or anyone like him the time of day, is what is wrong with America.

Edit: I now realize the irony of the fact that it is important to know what is going on in the world, and to do that, we have to hear about all this stuff. Also, my comment is in no way directed at OP. Realizing how this may have come out towards OP made me realize the irony as well.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 73 points 5 months ago

Fuck, I sure as shit hope so.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 61 points 6 months ago

Why was Alex Jones seen selling military secrets to Iran? I'm just asking questions. I haven't really seen him do it, but if I did, why was he? Just asking questions. Why has Alex Jones never denied being a pedo? I'm just asking questions.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 77 points 6 months ago

I haven't been back since the exodus. Fuck reddit. Fuck spez

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 85 points 7 months ago

Pay no attention to our bad engineering.

[-] Reality_Suit@lemmy.one 67 points 8 months ago

How is it the democrats responsibility to help elect a house speaker?

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