[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 31 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Yes, he is smart, and showed great intelligence, but in this instance severely underperformed in his ability to communicate clearly, like someone having a panic attack at a presentation. If you read a transcript of the debate it would be clear who is a leader and who is a clown. The raspy cold voice compounded things but those are all superficial elements, not on the substance (which Trump had nothing but lies and snide remarks).

I agree this isn't what any Democrat including Biden wanted in the debate and AOC, Sanders would be way better orators. I'm saying regardless of tonight, Americans have picked before a charismatic comic in Reagan over a tepid, but smart, compassionate leader like Carter.

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 23 points 23 hours ago

As part of the CUSMA trade agreement, I think us Canadians and Mexicans are allotted one sigh of disappointment...

Como parte del acuerdo comercial T-MEC, creo que a los canadienses y los mexicanos se nos permite un solo suspiro de decepción...

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 12 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Yeah, from a Canadian looking south, there's no two ways about it. Not Biden's best night, he brought a solid platform but the debate did not go in the way he wanted it to be.

Trump brought nothing of substance to the debate, lying his ass off as usual and pandering to his base. Also expressing Putin's dreams and stuff. Yet, Biden's presentation tonight could hardly beat a pet rock at a debate...

I'd fantasize about Bernie Sanders, AOC or anyone spry and progressive take the Democratic presidential candidate role for 2024, C$50 to charity if they do, but most are expected to know that even if Biden's not perfect it's his team that actually got things done unlike Trump whose entire presidency was about himself.

Edit 2: I'm hoping the poor performance is overshadowed by the real consequences of electing Trump beginning to show themselves with Friday morning's SCOTUS decisions.

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 17 points 1 day ago

I dunno if I'd consider Secratary of Transportation as a low stakes role, he's been out and about getting IIJA funds out across the country and there to present new rail, highway, air and marine infrastructure improvements.

Plus, if an unspeakable fate were to befall thirteen specific individuals, simultaneously rendering them unable to perform their duties, you'd have a President Buttigieg.

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Buy 1 get 20, lmao. Unfortunately one or more of the items are sold out.

what the Amazon page looked like:

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 27 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

From Barrett's dissent:

In so doing, the Court grants emergency relief in a fact-intensive and highly technical case without fully engaging with both the relevant law and the voluminous record.

Basically what the current US supreme court majority does to sway many cases in whatever way they feel like: ignore the way the court is supposed to work, ignore or diminish contrary evidence and push their own views.

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 day ago

I have experienced an issue sort of like that in the past, where my computer occasionally won't do anything other than spin the fans, unless there's a working connection to a monitor...

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 6 points 1 day ago

I don't like pairing it to an app but the fact it's described as barebones means it's focusing specifically on the function which is a bit of a relief.

How much more useful is it than a mirror?

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

In Canada, external hard drives of 8-20TB capacity show up every now and then for a rate of C$20/TB (US$14.50) so it won't take more than 3 months to offset that cost. As a backup, online s3 storage might be reasonable.

E - Speak of the devil: https://lemmy.ca/post/23948873

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 day ago

Oof. I'd gotten this game, hoping to avoid a repeat of Ascend but maybe those hopes are going to be dashed.

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 30 points 2 days ago

The supreme court justices get "gratuities" from decisions conservative magnates want. They are just applying that corrupt standard to every American population.

[-] Rentlar@lemmy.ca 50 points 2 days ago

Someone reupload yuzu, stat!

submitted 1 month ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Train #641 is being introduced starting May 27th, 2024, which departs Ottawa at 4:15, Kingston at 6:15, arriving in Toronto at 8:48am, which would be useful for anyone trying to get into a Toronto downtown office at 9am.

submitted 2 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/britishcolumbia@lemmy.ca

Photo taken in July 2023.

submitted 2 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

They found and caught some of the perpetrators of the gold heist last year at Pearson, some of whom were in the illegal arms trafficking market.

Spoiler: It wasn't Russell Oliver

submitted 2 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

Alternative title: Sometimes, Trains Are Just Better


submitted 2 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Bonus points if there's a known onomatopoeia to describe the sound.

submitted 3 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/videos@lemmy.world

Before looking at the thumbnail, if you had to pick a random number between 1 and 100 that isn't a meme, what would it be?

submitted 3 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/toronto@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Here's a table I adapted from Louis Rossman's video on the levels of piracy, grey areas and his morals and ethics on it. (spreadsheet file)

I tried to condense each rank and make it less about a specific type of media like CD audio or DVD video, along with a table of simplified characteristics of each situation. Of course more levels can be added and there are many situations not covered. This hierarchy is simply the way Louis ordered it from more to less justifiable; he respects people can think about it differently and I do too. He suggests that he doesn't really care about people that pirate without giving a shit about creators, and that he only has a problem with people who aren't honest with themselves about their motivations.

Setting legality aside, what 'level of piracy' is morally or ethically acceptable to you?

submitted 3 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/trainsimworld@lemmy.zip

Just posting to see if people would be interested in screenshots and a custom livery I made. I really enjoy the fact that Train Sim DLC is forwards comptaible, and in the latest version you can mix and match your consist for interesting passenger and freight services.


Also, terrorist travelled west therefore West is involved.

submitted 3 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/theonion@midwest.social

In this article, The Onion brings you testimonials from various Boeing staff at all levels of operation.

submitted 3 months ago by Rentlar@lemmy.ca to c/fuckcars@lemmy.world


A comparison of American cities and Canadian ones on automobile, bike and pedestrian fatality rates. Cities with more bike and transit infrastructure and slower cars tend to be safer for car drivers as much as it is safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

What are your experiences as to what may contribute to higher or lower fatality rates?

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joined 1 year ago