[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 5 hours ago

I had so many from just eating chips as a kid in Mexico. They still make em, my ex brought me a couple dragon ball super ones from when she went on vacation to Mexico to cheat on me.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 5 hours ago

That's exactly what banks did for quick money transfer. (not that they're small businesses but) The mayor banks in the US got together made a joint company and created Zelle to compete with cashapp and all he other quick money transfer apps.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 23 points 6 hours ago

Fuck, that's my dream but realistically it won't happen. I'm an early 90s kid. I would have to live a decent bit over 100 to see 3 centuries.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 1 day ago

Might be a bit dramatic. All sectors of industry are using more and more tech, we have more people in the workforce now that are tech literate than we did decades ago.

These are random numbers to explain my point. Look at it this way, in the 90s maybe 20 percent of people knew how to use computers but 12 percent of those were truly tech savvy and knew the ins and out of using a pc.

Now a days 90 percent of people know how to use a pc (regardless of the form it presents itself, be it pc, phone, tablet, etc) but only like 30 percent of them might be truly tech savvy.

It's still a step up from back then, and because of the nature of tech in industry there's always gonna be plenty of people who know how to use pcs well and if there aren't then that's just more money for us who do know.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 day ago

I rewatched the first one recently with my girlfriend and God is Edward a creep when seen through non teen girl eyes. Dudes a literal pedo creep but he's handsome and broken so it's ok.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 day ago

For me it was Rose. She was an alright companion but far from the best and it annoyed me how much importance she had to everything with all her storylines.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 day ago

As much as I enjoy that franchise I agree with you. For years I kept hearing 'it's better in the books', I remember specifically people saying that about the organization that helps dobbie and his people. Fuggin, I read the books as an adult and it's barely expanded on it at all, they just have more scenes about the organization but it isn't ever truly relevant beyond explaining why Hermione does what she does as an adult.

It's a charming little story that matured with readers and got a decent adaptation that led it to explode. Lots of luck to get to where it's at.

I would love to see a wandering inn adaptation instead.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 7 points 1 day ago

Sorta crazy to think about. Unfortunately some of those people have been prepping for 4 years or more and it might be their only chance to be in the Olympics. They're in a bad spot.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 1 day ago

God if this sint my mom's dog. Clean water in bowl? Na Bruv, mucky dirt water from the plants she has? Fucking ambrosía.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 17 points 1 day ago

I'm this for my fiancee. This weekend she stepped away for a sec while playing ff14 and I moved her a couple feet over to a safe area. Later that same day she was getting attacked while not there so I hopped on, killed the dude and then flew up in the air so it wouldn't happen again.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 day ago

I was talking to a bud the other day and we realized that hooking up AC to a solar panel might be a good idea. You usually only use AC if it's sunny and hot so the solar panel would be in perfect conditions. I don't think I've heard of people doing this, beyond people who just run their house on solar. I wonder if it would be viable or feasable to hook up the hvac to solar and a battery.

[-] Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 days ago

Yea I definitely count my lucky stars. I also didn't use the main dating apps and stuck with smaller more social dating apps. Found my now fiancee on Boo. Which is marketed as a friend's and dating app. Never bothered with tinder or the other huge ones.

Final Fantasy 14 Macros (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/finalfantasyxiv@lemmy.world

Hey peeps, let me preempt this by saying IM DISABLED.

OK let me explain, I enjoy playing ff14 but unfortunately I have arthritis and carpal tunnel which makes it painful to stretch my hands too much to press all the buttons necessary. When I played wow I was able to get by with the use of their extensive macro communities and add-ons.

Unfortunately the same communities and add-ons don't really exist and the community seems to be by in large unintentionally ableist, at least by my research. All I see is variations of 'don't use macros because you'll lose .5 seconds and suck!'.

I don't play hardcore endgame content not do I have any intention to play it with random. I mostly play with friends and they don't care if I use macros or not, they understand my situation and just want me to have fun.

But here I am asking for help with macro creation and possibly class choice. I'm currently playing a summoner as they don't seem to be very hard and I can macro a couple of things together to ease my pain.

What tank and healer class would be the easiest to play for someone like me and possibly what macros could they use to give me a hand?

For summoners, is there a way to macro the summons with gemshine? Plus add a modifier in there for aoe. That way I can trim down 5 buttons to 3. I know it was possible in wow but as I understand it ff14 has a limited macro system on purpose.

I hope some of you understand my situation and spare me the criticism. Most of the ff community has been lovely and understanding, I just get the rabid folk when I mention combat macros.

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