[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 99 points 3 months ago

That's what I don't get.. seeing all the earth's wonders and knowing it took millions of years and all these geological processes to create impresses me much more than "some guy" zapping it into existence.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 85 points 7 months ago

how does ad-free = privacy when they're still scraping all your data?

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 98 points 8 months ago

One of the giants was 7’9” tall (2.36 m) while the “shorter” one was a mere 7’4” tall (2.23 m) and according to various sources they were indeed twin brothers. They created quite an impression at the Durbar as they literally stood heads and shoulders above the rest. The brothers were known as the Two Kashmir Giants and were elite riflemen in the service of the Maharaja. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/kashmir-giants/

So ya they were pretty big.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 95 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

If they were in their 40's, have jobs, but were still not even helping out around the house, I kind of doubt they'd be stepping up to the plate to help out anytime soon.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 83 points 9 months ago

He was so proud he had to bravely run away.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 88 points 9 months ago

I guess they have their use, but I dislike green extension cords. my daughter has a few of them, and she tends to leave them laying in the grass when I go over to mow her yard.

She now has a few shorter ones.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 100 points 10 months ago

That's what you get for copying someone else's homework without looking at it first.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 81 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Imagine if all that money actually went to those that need it, instead of lawyers and miscellaneous bullshit. In the end that'll be way over 100k (and probably much higher) that could have gone to actually helping people, instead of fueling some rich people's tantrum.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 102 points 10 months ago

And it won't stop with the LGBTQ. They won't stop until they've destroyed everything that doesn't fit their specific version of religion.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 118 points 10 months ago

To me it seems more like trying to hide his assets.

[-] Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca 103 points 10 months ago

"Mr. Trump posted a link to his website and a photo of his mug shot in his first new post on X since Twitter banned his account after the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. “Never surrender!” the caption under the mug shot read."

Captioning "Never surrender" Under a pic of him after surrendering to the authorities. LOL


My daughter found her alone on the side of a gravel road yesterday morning and brought her to my house. We think she's about 6 weeks old. I had to edit the post title three times because she keeps stepping on the keyboard to attack and viciously lick my fingers.

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