[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 49 points 2 months ago

Competition is great, a company that can't produce a quality product and ships a CAR with beta level software that can't update OTA is NOT competition.

The auto industry is highly unfavorable to startups, the competition you want will come from the old ICE OEMs.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 26 points 2 months ago

Because AI is the new because blockchain.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 15 points 4 months ago

So why dont we have tarrifs on the ones that are produced in Mexico too?

Mexico is not China.

It is in our best interest to have a stable and economically improving neighbor on our southern border.

Your all or nothing / black or white view of the world is extremely childish & naive. Simple solutions to complex problems are just how politicians manipulate those who don't want to think to hard. Stop pretending that global trade policy is a simple solution arena & try thinking a little harder.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 15 points 5 months ago

Uhm, doofus, nobody's gonna fight in ww3.

Bombs get launched and we ALL die, that's how ww3 is faught.

It's frightening how little the younger generations understand about nuclear war.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 24 points 5 months ago

Yes, except the Israeli government are the ones creating ghettos, actively stealing land and ethnic cleansing.

Neither Hamas or the state of Israel are good, or right, but one of these two has put way more points on the board over the last half century, and it ain't Hamas.

Hamas is the result of Isreal's brutality, not the cause.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 18 points 6 months ago

The staffing, the network and storage changes.

The suggestion to just use KVM and ansible is rather tone def.

Sounds like someone with limited experience in the industry, honestly.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 20 points 7 months ago

Constructive dismissal

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 19 points 7 months ago

All Apple products are designed for people who don't use technology.

They hide the useful bits so people don't hurt themselves.

It's the Duplo of computing.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 25 points 8 months ago

I mean, this sorta bolsters the idea that livable space is rare and valuable.

Of all of the universe Earth is the only place capable of supporting human life. Furthermore no human has ever managed to leave the earth/moon system, because of the extreme effort and risk required to do so.

So... How does this make rent seem silly?

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 40 points 8 months ago

If you're keeping score isreal has for sure put more points on the board.

But Hamas does suck as much as the Israeli government, yes.

The biggest victims here? The Palestinians.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 52 points 10 months ago

You'd still have to work for your living in said scenario.

Nobody is gonna bring you chicken tendies three times a day in your hidden cottage.

Uncontacted hunter gathered tribes work, it's right there in the description. Not 40 hours a week, sure, but you can live a much simpler lifestyle in the wilderness on a similar work ethic.

Labor is an intrinsic requirement of human life.

[-] RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago

IDK let's see.

Other countries finally starting to pull out of the rubble of ww2.

The massive influx of the baby boomers into the workforce devaluing labor. Couple this with boomer women demanding jobs instead of being house wives, further adding to supply of available labor.

Come 1980 we add in trickle down economics which encourages the hoarding of wealth.

Then there's computerization, automation and globalization that have been rapidly bringing up per capital productivity. Weirdly this devalues labor, because you need fewer people.

That's just off the top of my head.

Unions are important and can be a force for good, but the data doesn't fully support the claim.

Simple solutions to complex problems are usually being sold as a way to manipulate people.... Don't buy in to simple solutions.

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