
This problem is a problem of the Democratic ~~Parties~~ Party's own making.

quit while ~~there~~ they're ahead

[-] 28 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

As someone who "makes AIs" professionally (computer vision for diagnostic imaging & GANs for CAD), the typical "executive" doesn't understand how beneficial, impotent, or dangerous deep-neural-network-based AIs can be in different sets of hands.

I'm not a pure technocracy advocate, but our "LeAdErShIp" is woefully underequipped, at every level.

[-] 54 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

What is Israel supposed to do? Passively standing by and watching their hostages being impregnated?

No, obviously not.

Killing international aid workers, Palestinian men, women, and children indiscriminately doesn't seem like a viable solution either and calling everyone who criticizes your military policy "anti-Semitic" is not what you should do either.

[-] 46 points 3 months ago

Static typing, for the win, and I'll die on this hill.

Fight me.

[-] 26 points 3 months ago

the paradox of thrift holds that collective thrift may be bad for the economy.

Collective thrift is great for the economy. It's just bad for corporate parasitism, economic stagnation, and cataclysmic wealth imbalance.

It renders parasitic business models as unviable and allows for the rebalancing of resources and development capital towards products that provide actual meaningful value for the vast majority of people.

[-] 28 points 3 months ago

Not gonna lie, them Beyer Dynamics are bangin'.

[-] 26 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Earlier in my career, I compiled tensorflow with CUDA/cuDNN (NVIDIA) in one container and then in another machine and container compiled with ROCm (AMD) for cancerous tissue detection in computer vision tasks. GPU acceleration in training the model was significantly more performant with NVIDIA libraries.

It's not like you can't train deep neural networks without NVIDIA, but their deep learning libraries combined with tensor cores in Turing-era GPUs and later make things much faster.

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