[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 19 points 1 week ago

Damn, this made an otherwise shit day actually feel better bloomer. Truly uplifting news and a big fat Death to AmeriKKKa and everyone else who targeted and tortured him for the crime of exposing their atrocities to the world.

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 16 points 3 weeks ago

Like I really don't want to hand it to the guy, especially in a hypothetical, especially because he is an incompetent fascist, and especially because I'm sure we'd have invariably wound up in the same place as we did under Brandon before long because the orphan crushing machine would have eventually been given more orphans to crush regardless of who was president. But there is no doubt in my mind that plenty of hogs would've cast their "closely held" beliefs about the nanny state aside in 2020 if the Trump White House even feigned some kind of support for taking better precautions (or just appealing to the racist heart of Amerikkka by framing it as a "protect American patriotism from the elusive China flu!!!") instead of coming around to side with the plague rats. That's countless lives that could've been saved in the process.

If the Dems still won control of Congress in 2020 I imagine they'd have become the ones reflexively acting to curtail second-term Trump's attempts to end pandemic aid or the moratoriums, and might've even cared about pushing for upgraded ventilation, better testing and tracking infrastructure, remote work policies, and additional stimulus checks. It'd be funny if something good happened in this country as a result, simply because the Dems were actually engaged in harm reduction over the cheeto winning re-election. Instead they just became a new wave of plague rats under their own incompetent fascist.

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 35 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

He was also toast before he got the shot in the arm that was all of the other Reagan Democrats dropping out simultaneously except warren-snake-green and we were ordered to treat the Jim Clyburn endorsement and SC primary win as if it decided the whole election. Right before all this the man was talking about leaving record players on for kids at night to help them learn, saying he didn't care about young people's issues, saying he'd veto M4A, and getting chewed out by his eventual VP pick for being a segregationist.

I'm still convinced that if Trump started selling cloth "Keep America Great" masks on his campaign website or worn one around for a few days he would've won.

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 23 points 1 month ago

I love how this basically gives up the game that the only real activism these people believe in is voting.

Like we know you’re not going to be fighting for us; you never have before!

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 17 points 4 months ago

Everything that doesn't present the American fascists as absolute sweethearts who are totally concerned for human suffering but aww shucks we just can't stop exporting it because reasons must be perpetuated by bots. I am very smart.

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 44 points 4 months ago

One side wants to give you affordable healthcare and housing

Oh, which side is that?

one side wants to quit NATO

Critical support to whichever side this is, especially if the “other” “side” thinks NATO is anything more than a cartel of the most monstrous terrorists on the planet.

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 37 points 6 months ago

🍉 This Machine Kills Fascists

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 19 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Do you have any proof that PRC citizens are forced to vote lol what the fuck even is this shit man.


[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 50 points 10 months ago

It's a vibes-based invective liberals use the same way chuds use "woke" to dispel any cognitive dissonance that might crop up whenever they discover information they find displeasing because it might mean the rest of the delusions they're immersed in might not be all that airtight. Just a thought-terminating word with absolutely no meaning. Just like "whataboutism," it's a weasel's way out of addressing someone else's argument in good faith (which I have yet to see you display in this thread).

Personally, it's absolutely fucking hilarious to see how much these words get thrown around, especially when it comes from so-called "leftists." If you truly are one, you ought to quit it with that bullshit.

[-] RustyVenture@hexbear.net 17 points 10 months ago

Gaslighting is telling people that Covid isn’t a threat even though you know it’s not and you deliberately cooked the books to sell that delusion. Gaslighting is telling people you’re supposed to be responsible for governing that a vaccine that was never shown to stop the spread of a disease does, in fact, do that. Gaslighting is telling people that you must personally assess your own risk to a collective, public health crisis with the paltry tools that have been provided, then strip away or sabotage every last one of those tools so they cannot provide even a sliver of usefulness to anyone but the most bad faith interpretations.

All of these things are things both Amerikkka’s fascist wing and liberal, fascist-enabling wing have done and are currently doing (if they’re not outright ignoring it). To anyone with a pulse, there is no meaningful difference, and indeed they are so often intertwined.

Also, Marx was based.

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