[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 2 points 15 hours ago

What's not to enjoy? We have our own beautiful rainforest within a couple hours of ocean beaches or a couple hours of snowboarding or a couple hours of sand dunes or a couple hours of river rafting or ....

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 0 points 15 hours ago

This makes more sense than the need to put on pillow cases (which has been my prevailing theory up to this point), but your question about corvids intrigues me. Partially because I'm not entirely certain of what a corvids is.

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

I assume you are referring to supplying weapons to Israel, in which case, do you think Trump (who called Biden a 'Palestinian' as an insult during the debate) will be the better choice and stop supplying weapons to Israel?

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 22 points 2 days ago

Don't forget that God populated the earth with multiple tribes of people, gave them all a different origin story, then told each of them that theirs was the only correct one and all others must be vanquished, resulting in a never-ending battle between the tribes and slaughtering millions in the process.

Truly a being of love and compassion. /s

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Sounds like one of the driving forces of republicans, and conservatives in general: "We are corrupt, hypocritical, and just plain evil. You NEED us in charge of everything so we can protect you from people like us!"

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

It tells me that they are obviously evil because they don't blindly support a white Christian authoritarian regime.


[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Plane on a treadmill always seems so obvious to me. Planes don't have power connected to their wheels. Put a plane on a dynamometer and crank the engine up as fast as it will go, and the wheels will still not spin. At the same time, water planes use pontoons and are still able to take off just fine.

The question I have is, can a plane take off with a tailwind that matches the speed that the propeller is pushing out.

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

Oh my god!! Won't somebody think of the profits?!!

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 21 points 5 days ago

Write a note on it and use that note to rob a bank. That'll give you more time than killing someone.

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 49 points 5 days ago

We already had that in the US. Turns out, not as illegal as you might think.

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 31 points 6 days ago

Since when has not experiencing something, or even having any knowledge of something, prevented the internet from expressing their opinions about it?

[-] SPRUNT@lemmy.world 16 points 6 days ago

I'm smelling an awful lot of bullshit here. If the power grid (or any other major infrastructure) had a known single point of failure that would cause the entire system to collapse, there would be more than 2 people who know about it, and they certainly wouldn't be vague-booking it to Lemmy.


I'm fed on the 2025 cruise with my buddy, thanks to our scheming wives, and am curious if there is any advice or "pro-moves" we should know about.

Also, if you'd just like to share your experiences, that'd be cool, too.


My wife and I are moving from a condo to a house in a month and I'd like to set up a "proper" audio system on the property such that my wife can listen to one thing in her office, I can listen to something else in the garage, and my kids can listen to something in their rooms. The Sonos system is what I think I aspire to, but I haven't looked into things for a dozen+ years so don't really know what all is out there.

I currently have a bunch of Google pucks across the house, but would like better-quality audio than those provide.

Any alternatives to Sonos that have feature parity (or near-parity)?


I think a lot of people forget to check where they are before replying to things (me especially). Serious replies show up in shitposts and are then apologized for, joke comments are made in communities that are more serious, etc.

I was thinking it'd be nice to have the option to make me click through a confirmation of the community I'm in before crafting a data-driven response to something in an askmelolz group.

Bonus points for making it big and colorful :D

submitted 4 months ago by SPRUNT@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I only have a familiarity with Christianity and the "no other gods before me" thing. I am curious what other religions have to say about it.


If I'm paying for my goods and services with actual money, but using prop money for tips, is that bad? In my understanding, tips are given of one's own free will and would be considered a gift to the recipient, the same as if I gave flowers or cookies as a tip. I've also seen fake money passed off by religious people that looks fully real on one side, and has church propaganda on the other side.

This is a hypothetical question that came up when assembling a gag gift for my kid from my parent. I don't plan on doing it (though, there are some instances where it'd be VERY tempting...), but it does make me curious.

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