
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's like saying since Google can modify some files in Windows that Microsoft doesn't control the platform.

You complain that I'm not comparing like to like, yet you're taking Windows, a closed sourced operating system, as an analog to AOSP, an open sourced one?

This is both because of differentiation

But why are other OEMs allowed to differentiate, and Google is not?

Yes, Google has the "official control" of how Android should be, and not all OEM changes are in line with that. But contributing upstream is not the only way to make the Android ecosystem open.

Take for example, Galaxy Watch with WearOS. There are multiple features that the watch can do, ONLY IF ITS PAIRED WITH A GALAXY PHONE. I have a Galaxy Watch 4. It has ECG and Blood Pressure sensors. But I can't use it (officially), because I don't have a Galaxy phone. Why? Because Samsung is keeping that exclusive with a software lock that totally doesn't have to be there. Measuring ECG and Blood Pressure doesn't need anything from my phone, it's all on the watch.

Another example also regarding using Galaxy Watch with a non Galaxy phone, which is even more absurd, is that if you're using a Galaxy Watch with Galaxy phone, they will sync DND status between them, but if you're not using a Galaxy phone, it'll not sync. They literally added codes for it to not work on non Galaxy phone.

Also, the example you used in your original comment, the call screening feature, uses language models that Google paid for the development and trained. I think it's fair for them to uses that technology that they invested in to help boost their own profit instead of just giving out for free.

[–] 10 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Using "Low" would be more infuriating than "Lo".

The full words are "High" (not "Hi") and "Low", so to save space they use the first two letters "Hi" and "Lo". If they use "Hi" and "Low" it would be inconsistent, e.g. more infuriating.

[–] 13 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Stuff like call screening in the android dialer would be possible on any brand of device. But no, pixel only.

Other OEMs also have their own features that are exclusive to their own phones. They can also implement them into AOSP, but they don't. Instead, they keep the features to their own devices. A lot of times when there's a new feature on Android in general, more often than not you'll see comments like "Samsung had this since years ago".

So if other OEMs are allowed to have platform specific features, Google is allowed to have theirs too. Or in other words, if you want to hold Google responsible for holding back Android, you have to also hold other OEMs responsible too.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I'd rather see something where the algorithm is open and pieces of it are voted on by the users and other interested parties. Perhaps let people create and curate their own algorithm's, something like playlist curation on spotify or youtube but make it as transparent as possible, let people share them and such. Kind of like how playlists are shared.

Isn't that already how it works, sans the transparency part?

You press "like" on something you like, and the algorithm shows you more that are related to that thing you just liked. Indirectly, you're curating your feed/algorithm. Or maybe you can look at this from another angle, maybe the "like" button isn't just for the things you like, but also the things that you don't particularity like, but would like to see more.

Then there's other people around you, your Facebook friends, their likes also affect your feed, as you can see the algorithm suggests things that "people that are interested in things you're interested in, are also interested in".

[–] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I believe it's mentioned in an issue in the official Thunderbird repo that from now on the Flatpak is maintained by the main Thunderbird dev team, so the Flatpak repo is archived and all Flatpak packages from now on will be uploaded directly by the devs.

[–] 11 points 11 months ago

You'd be surprised

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Yes. I wouldn't have if it wasn't that OxygenOS keep killing my background apps.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

It's supposed to be on sale digitally today on Prime Video, iTunes, and Microsoft Store in the UK.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

But it does not work well at all, especially when you try to get the mouse cursor to a certain coordinate. The same coordinate gets different results every boot for some reason.

You also have to run a background service for it to work.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Nice try, the pickpocket that I will walk pass tomorrow.

My phone is in my front right pocket because I can take my phone out and use it with just one hand. Wallet and keys in the front left.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yes, that is what is happening. But that's not what I'm asking. I know there's imbalance between the rich and the poor in the justice system. What I'm asking is, is that how it should be?

You've accepted that as an acceptable thing that rich people/companies don't have to obey the law, and that rich people/companies obeying the law is a bad thing? Because what you've said above is that because Meta is rich, so they shouldn't obey the law.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

You don't buy that it's the law?

not when you have the obscene money and power that Meta has. They could have fought it and resisted,

What you're saying is because Meta is rich, they don't have to obey the law?

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