[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 12 points 4 months ago


So all of the good that Biden has already done for unions means nothing to you unless he does one specific thing for one union? Biden has been amazing for unions, I really don't see why this is your line in the sand.

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 12 points 5 months ago

Yo same. It's truly amazing. I've had great effect with it in League of Legends. I'm sure this applies to other games, but in League, it's a good rule of thumb that the whole team committing to the wrong play is better than half the team committing to the right play. So if you and your pal disagree with the call, but all three other players are going, you should go as well.

But nobody has time to type all that right before a teamfight. So. "Apes together strong."

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 11 points 6 months ago

My house calls this predicament "mammal-locked."

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 11 points 7 months ago

It was once a crime for black people to sit at the front of a bus in America. Guess that means Rosa Parks is responsible for the Holocaust.

Thank the gods we had you to point it out.

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 9 points 7 months ago

Not a fan of Maro's response here. The complaint was that the competitive environment feels less engaging, and he basically just said "but we're throwing even more money at it, so you shouldn't complain."

It's not a solution. How is that extra manpower being used to actually promote competitive play? Moreover, does he not see that the focus on casual has side effects on competitive? There needs to be more focus on outreach to competitive players, not just putting more people on the team.

Idk, feels like he missed the mark on this one. It's not about bad design, it's about bad promotion and engagement, not about the amount of resources being devoted to it.

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

And is the issue of whether Republicans should invoke the Comstock Act to ban abortion going to be directly voted on? Because if not, it's not in a literal sense.

I certainly agree that it's a very important issue to understand, but we will not be voting, directly, literally, on whether or not to ban abortion nationwide. We will be voting on candidates who might try to do that though.

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

Yes, mostly paperwork and email for sure. Some basic spreadsheet stuff for tracking clients and payments and whatnot, but there's also programs for that.

One less common, yet essential, thing I haven't gotten a specific response on yet, is converting word docs to PDFs with searchable text. Not sure if you know things about that, but it popped into my head while responding here so hopefully someone who sees this knows something.

And, a generic thank you to everyone who has responded, this has all been very helpful. Even if I don't respond to you specifically, I appreciate it.

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

This is a great tip, I'll definitely do some test runs, thanks!

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 10 points 8 months ago

Hmm. I'm annoyed at my lawyer brain, all I can think about is how this would actually be a very interesting case. At least, based on my understanding of U.S. Torts law, which is not my practice area (but which is bar tested and a required law scool course). Don't take any of this as real legal advice.

But, there's a concept known as the eggshell plaintiff rule/doctrine. Basically, it states that if the person you injured is unusually fragile, you're on the hook for their injuries regardless of whether they're a typical result of the action you took. So, here, while the typical result of pulling a finger would be a fart, the puller may be on the hook for the entire damages of a lost arm.

However, undercutting that is the defense of consent. The "victim" here clearly consented to the activity which led to the injury, and should have known that the action may likely result in the loss of an arm, based on the lack of tendons/muscles/skin/everything.

I'm gonna have to save this to show at conventions and see how people think this would play out. I'll totally be the coolest kid in school then. In your face, Mark.

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago

I don't get it. The rogue wanted the wizard to cast a spell. As a seasoned wizard player, I can say with certainty that fireball is our only spell. Rogue knew exactly what he asked for.

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

So I don't have one yet, but it's on my list and I'm curious: what is it about it that makes you actually finish games?

[-] Sage_the_Lawyer@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

See, e.g., the war on "drugs"

The GOP has been working towards making the US a dictatorship since the 60s. We passed the civil rights act and the right was so appalled that they had to treat people of color like, well, people, that they've been coming up with new ways to ensure progress never happens again ever since.

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