[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 8 points 4 days ago

It’s a bad enough idea we don’t need anymore for the next few centuries.

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 11 points 6 days ago

They could potentially release source only with no art assets. Then you wouldn’t be able to compile the game without either owning the game or pirating the assets elsewhere. But it would allow community members to update the game when it breaks or to add new features. Similar to the Mario 64 decompile.

While all this would be great for consumers it would probably take legislation to get publishers on board with something like this. Publishers have a financial incentive to let the games languish then force you to pay to get a “remastered” version.

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 28 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I’m not sure I agree that YouTube wants their platform to shrink. Even if you don’t watch ads you are still giving them your data which they can monetize.

Personally I would be willing to pay for YouTube premium but not under the current terms. 1. If I’m paying for the service they should no longer collect and sell my data. 2. Allow me to have a YouTube-only account not connected to other Google services and 3. The current pricing is a bit high.

They can offer these terms or I’ll continue to use them logged out with Adblock. Or they can continue to enshitify and eventually their platform will start to shrink which will make the data they sell to advertisers less valuable.

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 19 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I learned this in my Econ101 class; if you impose rent control you will disinsintivize investment into building homes exacerbating the problem of housing supply. Some one in my class literally asked why rent control was common in places like NY and my Econ teacher dodged the question. Econ101 in the US is basically neoliberal indoctrination.

The easiest response to the textbook is to point out that the current problem isn’t supply. In the US we have 6 houses for every homeless person. We have plenty of housing stock. The problem monopoly power over housing.

Beyond that I believe that housing investment should be managed cooperatively; rather than by the profit incentive.

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 65 points 3 weeks ago

Linux shouldn’t let itself be slutshamed. Linux should proud of what a good little slut it is.

Also seeing the Nitter theme like a year after its death hits hard.

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 24 points 3 weeks ago

Ehh… thats why we don’t often mention the Autism HUD. Once the neurotypicals find out about it everybody going to start wanting it. Fortunately everyone who uses Lemmy is an Autistic Femboy Linux user.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works to c/mealtimevideos@lemmy.world
[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

They need to move to a P2P model of hosting. Radicle is an open source P2P GitHub replacement. Ideally all open-source development would move to Radicle or a similarly P2P hosted model. If it were made easy enough I would set up an instance to help with hosting on my NAS. These corporations should have no right (or ability) to take down projects that the community has funded and built.

Not a fan of crypto-currencies generally but I would also set up recurring donations to any legit fork of Yuzu that will accept donation via Monero. Fuck these corporations.

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 23 points 3 months ago

Not being able to hear the dialogue is an artistic choice Nolan has been intentionally making since around The Dark Knight Rises. I know that sounds dumb but, I’m not joking. I have been baffled by this choice and have refused to see any of his films until Oppenheimer. Which was a major improvement.


Hi all, I was trying to get a Lemmy URL to open in the voyager app on iOS and I can’t figure out how to do it without logging in and saving it to my account. It would be much more convenient if I could add a shortcut to the share sheet like I have for Apollo.

I’ve tried modifying my Apollo shortcut to change http:// to voyager:// instead of to apollo:// but with no luck. Anyone have any ideas?

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 19 points 7 months ago

Having it enabled by default is a pretty massive security hole. I preordered the raspberry pi 1 when it launched and I don’t remember SSH ever being enabled be default in their images. Where did you hear it was enabled by default?

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 29 points 9 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

When I was poor and I complained about inequality they said I was bitter. Now I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm starting to think they just don't want to talk about inequality. —Russell Brand

Still one of my favorite quotes, it’s unfortunate that I won’t really be able to use it any more.

Brand used to be a legit socialist back in the day. The longer he had money, the harder I think was for him to continue to understand the struggle of the common people. Either that or its audience capture like what happened to Dave Rueben.

The YouTube channel the Kavernacle has done some good coverage on his drift to the right.

[-] SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works 48 points 10 months ago

*Fully paid by higher progressive taxes on wealthy people.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works to c/datahoarder@lemmy.ml


What’s the catch? This is the best deal I can find on the internet by a fair margin. This seller has an amazon store page as well and seems to have a good reputation on both. The seller claims its a new HDD from a reputable brand and offers a 5 year sellers warranty.

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