Unless they are self aware their advice is shit
You have a smooth brain, don't go exposing yourself to people. see? All this advice is garbage.
The rubes are delusional, the leaders know exactly what they are doing.
"I used to work for the cartel, now I make covers for Lipps inc., avoid the cartel btw."
but you probably knew that already.
Never ask a white supremacist the race of their girlfriend.
Forgot most of it because how boring it was, and then I talk with people I knew from those years and it's always the same topics, the same histories, like they are stagnant on memories because their life peaked at highschool.
“white women swung their Gucci boot over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line”
Mental illness
You repeated the same thing twice.
Flat earth= god is beyond a doubt real.
Round earth= god may be real? We are not sure, probably not.
It's just a rehashed deep fried form of proselytizing as the people who fall for that shit, will surely fall for other shit, and you can even milk some money of out them like that guy who used them to build his own rocket.
We need first universal Healthcare, education and affordable housing, otherwise the money would go to the leeches(landlords,insurance, student debt).