[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

The best spot is always right next to the fried chicken bucket.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 6 points 6 months ago

My two boys were like that in the beginning too. What seemed to help was two of the same dog beds next to each other. Each has his own "space," not necessarily defined, they both sleep in whichever bed interchangeably, but it makes them feel like they have their own space. My dog beds also have a raised pillow section so it feels a little more separate.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

The Bible also isn't meant to be real. It's a compendium of stories all put into one book, with tons of different writers. It's akin to The Odyssey and shouldn't be taken literally. Zeus didn't come to Earth as a golden shower to impregnate Danae, and Jesus didn't come back from the dead. They're just fables.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

This was a very informative painting and article! Thank you for sharing this!

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago

I think ENM stands for ethical non-monogamy. So a consensual open relationship.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

Thank you very much, A "cock"work orange. Negativity is common nowadays, so I try to spread positivity where I can. Everyone needs a little bit of brightness and not everyone can make it themselves. So those of us who know better, need to do better.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

Because it's not about the office space. It's about corporate greed. The upper management, who don't actually do anything but manage people, need those people in the office in order to keep their jobs. It's also a convenient way to do layoffs without needing to pay severance or unemployment and further doesn't stress investors who would pull money if they heard there were layoffs.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

You aren't stupid, you're naive at best, and that's something you can build from. You can't teach someone how to have a good heart. So don't take this as a huge blow (emotionally, financially it's ok to feel like this was a huge blow if you couldn't really afford it) and just take this as a lesson in learning to filter out those who genuinely need help and those who don't. If you really couldn't afford it, yeah file a police report. Not sure if you'll get your money back, but it might stop the scammers from doing it again to some other nice people.

When I was a younger person, I was broke as all hell. But I managed to have an extra $5 that I was going to use for a nice lunch. (The first time I hadn't skipped lunch in ages!) At the gas station, a guy approached me and pulled on the heartstrings. I even said, "this is my last $5." He had absolutely no qualms about ripping out of my hand and driving away in his car that CLEARLY had enough gas in it for him to get away and wasn't completely empty as he had told me minutes before. Lesson learned.

Good people in genuine dire straits, don't personally ask a stranger online for money. That's why places like GoFundMe exist. If you want to make your local community better, walk around with an extra sandwich in your lunch box and give it to a different homeless person everyday. Pretty much never ever give money and only offer food and company.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

Agreed. I think you have to be a certain kind of narcissistic/attention-seeking to be famous at all and I think that humans in general are greedy. Which all translates to, celebrities are likely more fucked up than we think and their family dynamics probably match.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

Obviously, you feel bad/guilty because you're a good person who cares deeply. Knowing that, would you have treated her the way she treated you? I don't think so. Ergo, she's probably a bad person because you know you're good and you don't act that way.

Just because you were together for a while doesn't mean you have any responsibility for her present situation, especially because she's so abusive. If the roles were reversed, a woman wouldn't feel guilty about running as far away as possible and you shouldn't either. Abuse is abuse and it sucks to suck. She's gotta deal with the consequences of her actions.

[-] SatansInteriorDsgnr@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

Haha, the irony of a person screaming, "learn nuance." Generalization isn't the problem, income inequality is. You clearly have a lot of energy and passion which is great, but you need to learn how to punch up.

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