Yeah but that's more or less one day in dog minutes.
Can't be, it's about Ohio.
Don't know if that's heaven or hell.
But you can't have them in a manly diet.
Ja, vermutlich eine offizielle diplomatische Verurteilung als Grundlage für eventuelle Strafverfolgung durch die estnischen Behörden. Oder ein Beschluss des UN-Sicherheitsrates oder so.
Estland verbietet den Einsatz eigener Staatsbürger in einer Aggressor-Armee - das wäre hier die russische.
Klingt nach einer sinnvollen Regelung, obwohl die Einstufung auch mal unklar sein könnte.
That's fine. I rode a Vespa for two years with a manual transmission before I did my car license, so I had the basics of throttle, clutch and shifting figured out way before my first lesson. Although I consider myself a skilled driver, my first hour with a pretty easy to drive manual car included lots of stalling the engine. I learned how to get moving on an incline and also reverse parallel parking that same day, which was a little strange.
Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck. And probably Of Mice And Men.
Can't help you with that, sorry.
I've seen a hedgehog injured by a mowing robot. Deep cuts in its back, infested by maggots. We fed the animal some cat food, which it wolfed down and puked out again, then gave the little guy (not fully grown) to experts who nursed it back to full health before releasing it into the wild again. It was not a pretty sight.
Grab 'em by the mic.