[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 43 points 10 months ago

Funny how one instance is the one everyone wants to defederate from.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 90 points 10 months ago

This is a lousy article rehashing an article behind a paywall.

The cost they have is $87 a month. There is so much that's confusing about this. They don't specify how many streaming services they are counting in that, but it's a good guess that is about 5, each at about $17 a month. I feel I have too many streaming services and share accounts with family, and I can stream from about 7, pay for one and watch 1.5. If I couldn't share accounts, I wouldn't have the accounts. I pretty much watch star trek and whatever show someone tells me to watch.

They also don't specify what $87 a month gets you in cable. Around me that's about basic cable prices, which is significantly less content presented in a less convenient format and is almost entirely reruns filled to brim with commercials.

Not only is the article missing key information it also misrepresents the information it has.

Note: I'm sure people will tell me to pirate everything, but there are reasons to not pirate. And it doesn't address that this is a poorly written article giving incomplete and incorrect information.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 24 points 10 months ago

He asked for a cocktail made out of bleach and ammonia, the bot told him it was poisonous. This isn't the case of a bot just randomly telling people to make poison, it's people directly asking the bot to make poison. You can see hints of the bot pushing back in the names, like the "clean breath cocktail". Someone asked for a cocktail containing bleach, the bot said bleach is for cleaning and shouldn't be eaten, so the user said it was because of bad breath and they needed a drink to clean their mouth.

It sounds exactly like a small group of people trying to use the tool inappropriately in order to get "shocking" results.

Do you get upset when people do exactly what you ask for and warn you that it's a bad idea?

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 172 points 10 months ago

It's because a huge amount of business is centered around made up things for going to work.

Things you need to work in an office: suits, dry cleaning for the suits, dress shoes, a car (because public transportation is woefully inadequate for this reason), gas for the car, maintenance for the car, lunch, daycare, a dog walker, you have less time so you are more likely to eat out for dinner, also more likely to hire maids, you are stuck in a commute and radio is awful, so a music subscription, maybe a new phone, and might have to go out for drinks with the coworkers on the way home.

Staying at home, and much of the country on highly limited income, taught us how much we spend on the "privilege" of work. Everyone is still shocked at the emotional and opportunity cost work had, we're just starting to realize that most of what it sold to us either isn't real or isn't needed.

If people don't go back to work a sea of businesses will fail.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 49 points 10 months ago

The issue I have is most games aren't fun to me.

A two hour long tutorial where every 20 seconds I have to deal with text preventing me from playing? Never opening the game again.

Controls that are so complicated I need that two hour tutorial? Pass.

A decent story interrupted with 40 hours of pointless side quests? I don't have time for that.

A crafting system? Never fun.

I don't mind complicated games, I don't mind long games, I just want to be able to play the game. Compare Elden Ring to Jedi survivor. Elden Ring let's you play the game with minimal tutorials, Jedi survivor has pop-ups and walks you through things hours into the game. Just let me play and I'll play.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 27 points 11 months ago

Think of the last job you quit. Would a 5% raise change anything?

A ping pong table is an asinine thing to give, but the point of "more money doesn't make you stay" has been proven by many studies.

When you quit a job because it doesn't pay enough it's not a matter of a small raise, it's a normally a big jump in pay. Until you get to substantial raises, like 10-20k a year, you aren't really worried about the pay as much as your direct supervisor and the work load. A bump from 60k a year to 61k a year won't make you stay in a job you hate. 60k to 100k might, but that's not just a raise, that's a different class of pay.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 28 points 11 months ago

The journey is the destination.

I have a problem with rushing through things. This has helped me slow down and appreciate what I'm doing. I'm not doing something so I can enjoy it after it's done, I'm doing it to enjoy what I'm doing.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 78 points 11 months ago

I use a pixel and I have a hard time justifying a different phone.

Maybe things have changed but the last Samsung I had was an S7 and I didn't like it. It suffered from bloat and didn't last all that long. Battery issues and the screen started to lose sensitivity.

I've used iphones and they aren't bad, but I really dislike apple's app store and effort to control everything on my phone. Also everytime a new phone came out my old phone became next to unusable for a month.

I got a pixel 3 and loved it, now I have a pixel 6 and don't see changing my phone any time soon or going to a non-pixel phone. They last a long time, they work well with everything and the camera is excellent.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 26 points 11 months ago

there is no real upside to picking Gecko apart from Google = bad.

AdBlock works better on Firefox. Firefox takes fewer resources. Firefox is open source. And that's just off the top of my head.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 28 points 11 months ago

The post office.

You can send a letter to anywhere in the US for less than a dollar and it gets there quickly. You don't even need to leave your house to do it. Now people complain about lines and that it isn't profitable.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 21 points 11 months ago

I feel like I am spending less time on Lemmy but am more satisfied with my time here.

On Reddit I would scroll endlessly. I'd find a comment or sentiment that was wrong and start typing out a reply, or once in a while a topic I knew about or had a story for. Then delete it because I don't want to argue with an idiot and no one will ever see the comment because of the flood of "jokes".

I feel like I can actually interact with the content here.

[-] ScrivenerX@lemm.ee 33 points 11 months ago

A surprising amount went wrong.

While there are a sea of complaints, the biggest for me was that all of the characters stopped having internal logic. Take Jamie, he had a character arc moving from a vain knight avoiding responsibility and having an incestuous relationship with his sister, to having depth, showing that he was wracked with guilt for breaking his oath to help people. Falling in love with a woman for her character and who she was. Being responsible and honorable again. Then the last season came around and he dropped all of his growth to be with his sister.

It's like D&D decided that there would be a cool scene of him dieing with Cersi and didn't care how he got there.

submitted 11 months ago by ScrivenerX@lemm.ee to c/risa@startrek.website
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