Off to the gulag, I go.
Sooo, anyone want to take bets that Bird Flu is going to be the next pandemic?
I hope you mean per day with those numbers.
Also it's all the Democrats fault.
COVID-19 was the warm up round.
You should make them pay 1.50 for every plate they didn’t make themselves and someone had to import from another house, refuse to cook or tidy anythingas thats done by immigrants, and point out loudly everything not made in the US.
"Sorry fam, it's a $10 a piece for this turkey. Don't want people thinking they got an easy ride."
"Oh you want me to help clean, I charge $20 a hour......Oh you want me to help for free. Isn't that communism? Aren't we encouraging people not to pull themselves up from their boot straps."
"You want me to leave and never come back? That's free."
Narrator "It did in fact, apply to them."
SCOTUS "See, if the founding fathers really thought birth right citizenship was important. They would have put it in the Constitution. It's an amendment and we all know amendments were not part of the orginal text so therefore, we rule that the 14th amendment was never in enforce."
"Am I one of the goods ones" they say as they are being dragged off by ICE agents to a deportation camp.
"I am a legal citizen" they plea to an ICE agent. "Sure, you are. Just like everyone else in the van." The ICE agent laughs.
This does not work on the British. Waiting in line is the holiest of holy activites for the British.
I bought stocks in a bunch of fur trading companies.
I live for that imitation gruel. It's what keeps me going with producing Gucci wallets for the streets of Hong Kong.