[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

From time to time I feel like my dreams are a continuation of other dreams I've had in the past.

I can recall 2 or 3 different scenarios that somehow I keep dreaming about and it always feels like either a repeat or a continuation of the last time I dreamt about this scenario

The same characters show up and in the same environment etc

It's quite cool. I always wake up and feel like "woah this would be an amazing movie" except the one where I'm lost in an underground circus and the magicians and lions are trying to kill me. I sometimes relive the story of dreams I had years ago. I only wish I could remember more about them.

I don't know if there's a memory space for dreams but at least it seems like it's possible for the brain to fall into a similar state while sleeping and you feel like it was the same dream as before

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 24 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The context doesn't make a difference

In base 10 --> 1/3 is 0.333...

In base 12 --> 1/3 is 0.4

But they're both the same number.

Base 10 simply is not capable of displaying it in a concise format. We could say that this is a notation issue. No notation is perfect. Base 10 has some confusing implications

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 23 points 3 days ago

Divide 1 by 3: 1÷3=0.3333...

Multiply the result by 3 reverting the operation: 0.3333... x 3 = 0.9999.... or just 1

0.9999... = 1

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 3 points 6 days ago

I did not mean to justify Israel's actions by pointing out Hamas's attack.

I agree that Israel has the sole power to stop this conflict. Every day they refuse to do some sort of ceasefire deal is a slaughter caused by Israel alone.

Netanyahu is likely prolonging the war due to political pressure and IMO should be considered a terrorist as well

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 19 points 1 month ago

Oh so you're autistic? Name all model trains then!

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 37 points 1 month ago

This kind of sad romantization of physical phenomena is weird to me.

I think romanticizing physical phenomena can be a really great tool to create a narrative and get people interested in the subject, or can just be a cool talking point about physics.

This example is pointless and kinda sad

If a photon from the sun misses the earth it will likely travel for billions of years into the void, most of them probably absorbed by random space dust. So hitting earth or hitting a human could be considered cool depending how you sell the narrative.

It's possible to tell many different narratives. I just dislike the sad ones. There are many more cool ones

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 22 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

CBAT - they will get horny, jerk off in sync to the rhythm then leave

Alien Hip Hop - they will be either extremely confused or will get inspired to leave and form a prog rock band immediately

The Woven Web - it's such an incredibly sick song that they will have to mute their speakers and bop to it

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 27 points 1 month ago

Then he turned himself into a pickle

Funniest thing I've ever seen

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 45 points 1 month ago

Sure, physicists can just keep track of about 5% of the universe's mass. That's their whole job, and they just got 5%!? Are they stupid??

Who are you to complain Brenda?! The only thing you keep track of is the amount of Oreos you have in the pantry

5% of the universe is still several trillions of tons of mass! Although I suppose a good part of that is your fat ass!

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 38 points 1 month ago

It's just a media game

Every time Russia says "there will be consequences" they're just throwing threats around like a dog barking from the other side of a fence

All their cards are on the table. The only things they could pull off are drafting more people or going nuclear

They're now scrambling to find soldiers from other nations because announcing another draft would obviously shake Putin's control over Russia

I just wish Europe would stop playing this war like a political game. SEIZE RUSSIAN MONEY! What are you afraid of? Ruining relations with Russia? Fuck off! Ukraine won't have people to fight forever

[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 60 points 2 months ago

Carnivorous plants ain't chompin on bugs just for the clout, they got legit reasons to mess up those insects

They grow in weak ass soil that has no nitrogen. Carnivore plants be out the grinding. Gobbling up mad insects to get some N

It really be like that (sh.itjust.works)
[-] Shampiss@sh.itjust.works 48 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Hey, what's up with the tone my guy? Message me if you need to talk fr

Regarding the subject at hand,

Evidently women still have many issues coming from male dominant culture formed before the industrial revolution, there has been good progress but there's still a long path ahead.

Men have issues coming from cultural norms too. imo the biggest hindrance for men at the moment is not nearly enough people talk about men's mental health.


Promoting solutions for women doesn't mean ignoring men's issues.

Promoting awareness to men's issues is not against women's interests.

When someone is promoting progress, let's not jump to "there are bigger problems elsewhere"

If you want to promote change via debate, being aggressive is the worst strategy. Why not say "hey, I hear your argument for women, and on this note I'd also like to raise this other related subject about men's issues."

That's a win win conversation

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Shampiss@sh.itjust.works to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
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