[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 1 points 9 hours ago

Huh, odd that they don't advertise it more then. Probably make the notion of selling it get less of a rep of desperate people needing money and more similar to donating blood as an altruistic thing, so you get more involved.

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 2 points 23 hours ago

Because you can put in those equal rights laws and enforce them, along with all the various other things like building roads and schools and such. To think you can just outlaw racism and such is foolish though. You would be trying to literally tread into thought police territory there.

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 3 points 23 hours ago

Don't recall where I indicated any of them where controversial, care to point it out? I simply pointed that this complaint of 'no progress' is ignoring some pretty major progress over the years.

And maybe they're ignoring things like the civil rights movement, the original implementation of Roe, the progress of the LGBT community and all the other society changes that have happened in that same time.

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You done flew that squid into a cloud of reactionaries who get real uppity if their vision of things doesn't happen by 3 months ago. A story about what a political twat said MIGHT happen is suddenly priority #1 amongst all the other things the POTUS has to deal with on the daily.

Wonder if they could save some time and not put the rest back, just give it to a zoo to feed vampire bats or something... ๐Ÿค”

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 12 points 1 day ago

I've only donated a few times but from what I recall you can donate blood or sell plasma. Always struck me as weird but the difference is that they use the whole blood medically while the plasma only is used for research or commercial purposes. We do love to make a market for near everything possible here.

As for how much, not sure exactly since I haven't done so myself but I get the impression it's not huge, maybe $20-$50 each time.

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 21 points 1 day ago

Have to say that was a damn refreshing change from the vacant look and feel in the debate. May be far from perfect but I take that over the raving lunatic with an R by them any day.

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 17 points 2 days ago

That'd be the liberal indoctrination machine at work you see. No it has nothing to do with world experience and exposure to ideals outside the conservative bubble. That's just commie talk.

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 18 points 2 days ago

Just what would the point of that be? Are folks really that concerned about some high score where they feel a need to engage in reciprocal voting?

[-] ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com 13 points 2 days ago

Israel wants to get some gold star for agreeing to send systems the US provided to Ukraine now? What kind of PR lunacy is going on here.

Ally in training... (lemmy.socdojo.com)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Hey all,

So I'm looking to take an active step here to understand better some things that my straight/white/cis/middle-aged male brain has had a tough time wrapping itself around, particularly in the gender identity front.

I'm working from the understanding of physical sex as the bio-bits and the expressed identity as being separate things, so that part is easy enough.

What's confusing to me though is like this. If we take gender as being an expression of your persona, a set of traits that define one as male, female, or some combination of both then what function does a title/pronoun serve? To assume that some things are masculine or feminine traits seems to put unneeded rigidity to things.

We've had men or women who enjoy things traditionally associated with the other gender for as long as there have been people I expect. If that's the case then what purpose does the need for a gender title serve?

I'll admit personally questioning some things like fairness in cis/trans integrated sports, but that's outside what I'm asking here. Some things like bathroom laws are just society needing to get over itself in thinking our personal parts are all that special.

Certainly not trying to stir up any fights, just trying to get some input from people that have a different life experience than myself. Is it really as simple as a preferred title?

Edit: Just wanted to take a second to thank all the people here who took the time to write some truly extensive thoughts and explanations, even getting into some full on citation-laden studies into neurology that'll give me plenty to digest. You all have shown a great deal of patience with me updating some thinking from the bio/social teachings of 20+ years back. ๐Ÿ™‚

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com to c/rimworld@lemmy.world

Or, when you get a sudden windfall inheritance from on high.

A box of Oatmeal (lemmy.socdojo.com)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com to c/cat@lemmy.world
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