It's a literal fact what are you complaining about, there's very few people without vested interests who don't realise anti Israel criticism is weponised as anti semitism.
I could agree to that. America and Russia need to be divided into reasonable nation states and china needs to release all non Han Chinese core provinces and needs a completely new government. While we're at it France and Britain need some severe humbling
Personally anger aside I think no nation should be destroyed be rather cut up into more reasonable nation groups. America could be 4+ nations, many of Africa's and Asia's borders are superficial borders often created by western power and id dismantle rogue states into new new nations or new reformed government. America, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, North Korea, Russia, china.
Certain nations be dismantled or changed would also have knock on global effects such as America and russia being dismantled would also dismantle many of their backed regimes within a lifetime or two. Looking at Israel and Belarus as examples
I do believe not all systems are built off the back of suffering and some are, but even those that aren't built off of suffering can be exploited to ensure suffering and power capitulation
340 million people rely on is a good thing?
It's like asking the germanics if the fall of the Roman empire was a good thing. HELL YEAH, as a modern day Germanic to the Americas Roman empire. Heck yeah I wanna see them fall and collapse into absolutely brutality. Your nation runs off the destruction and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people.
Where's the million lmfao 😅
Did you imagine me saying "No"???? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
You already messed up saying millions of civilians
when the competition is from a country regularly using psyops tools on the world for their own benefits, that's when we all have to stop using it.
You're absolutely right, which is why I welcome China's ai rather than America. Theres literally no nation involved in more psyops and global propaganda than the United states of America like are you kidding me? I've seen dozens of un votes be most or the entire planet against America and the vote not going through because America said no.
Trump is putting 500 billion into closed sourced ai (at the time) That 500 billion wasnt a gift, america does use ai and nsa to track its own citizens and citizens of its allies.
Me friend not only did you drink the coolaid, you're drowning in it
I've noticed that too, keep seeing the same people pop up all the time, even in different instances of the same community
Buddy, you new to Chinese history? Kind of a meme the amount that die in civil wars and civil disobedience going back to 2000bc. But funny thing is, they stick to their own people, with their own people fighting back and their own people then getting killed. By no means perfect, good, or ideal, but better than mass murdering and couping others for your never ending thirst for oil and resources
I'll be honest this makes me feel so much less alone. I should have completed my engineering degree by now, but honestly not blaming COVID itself but the situations around it and the isolation among other things sent me down a never ending spiral to the bottom. I come to learn I barely holding on by a thread most of my life and it started to unravel at 21-22. Getting ADHD takes forever in the UK, I just hope I can survive or find something to hold me up until that. I went from potential family top earner to a lost loser who is anxious when seeing people nowadays.