[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 1 points 15 hours ago

Nuclear power does not solve the issue here. Nuclear reactors take hours or even days to ramp up or down. They are not quick enough to react to such occasions.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 2 points 18 hours ago

Just want to throw in this link. https://energy-charts.info/?l=en&c=DE

Very detailed info on Energy and power usage in Germany

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

World Nuclear Association’s mission is to facilitate the growth of the nuclear sector by connecting players across the value chain,

I would not ca that trustworthy. There not even close to independent.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 day ago

You posted a 18 min Youtube video, sponsored or at least supported and sanctioned by a nuclear power plant operator.

At least point to the section of the video where the source of your claim is.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml -1 points 1 day ago

No it is not. If you calculate in the future money tax payers have to pay to keep the nuclear waste safe (for thousands of years) or the cost of a larger incident like Chernobyl or Fukushima which also has to be paid by the tax payers then the 'cheap nuklear power' is not so cheap as it looks like...

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 7 points 4 days ago

Not what i am saying. I said that it is not a given, that translation means less performance.

In theory you can achieve similar or even higher performance, all depending on how well or how bad the original machine code is. Especially when you can optimize it for a specific architecture or even a specific CPU.

And yes ARM has shown to be more power efficient then x86 CPUs even on higher load (not just low powered embedded stuff).

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 11 points 4 days ago

and any efficiency gains these fancy new ARM chips supposedly have will be lost when translating x86 to ARM.

Not a given. Translating can still be more efficient.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 145 points 2 months ago

I hate when i have to go 4 links deep to get an explanation of what it even is.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 79 points 2 months ago

Let's not forget this here.


Wired headphones do not have the need for replaceable batteries.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 185 points 3 months ago

If the CPU died, the PC would not have booted up so far.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 72 points 4 months ago

A lot of IDEs would probably throw a warning about unreachable code.

[-] ShortN0te@lemmy.ml 231 points 8 months ago

No you are mistaken with "Or $5 mire to own it". You own a license to watch for the amount of time the platforms decides to keep it up.

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