[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

It's called sweat dude.

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 107 points 2 months ago

Someone who isn't me has successfully submitted the entire Bee movie script over 350k times to various snitch websites related to reproductive health or gender affirming care. đŸ‘€

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 100 points 2 months ago

One of my hobbies is the social deduction game Blood on the Clocktower. Heavy social deduction games will draw certain types of people. Many of the people are very nice and inclusive. Others not so much.

I just played a game with a new group the other night - games usually take about 90 minutes in my experience. These people are all about playing super optimally rather than having fun. I made a sub-optimal play as an evil character, solely to create chaos. This led to mass confusion toward the end of the game. When my play was revealed at the end, people were literally yelling at me.

No one cared that it worked, and evil won, and that I completely followed the rules. I just did something no one would expect because I knew it would cause confusion. Some people take all the fun out of the game.

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 110 points 6 months ago

Many Republicans would support Hitler today. They like his ideas if you replace Jews with immigrants.

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 101 points 6 months ago

Hey! I was really into Greek mythology in middle school. And high school. Even got a minor in college. I even have a set of Greek/Roman mythology tattoos!

Oh wait... I am gay. Fuck.


Curious if I'm overthinking things or if this might actually be possible. I got out of detox yesterday and the experience was... Bad this time around. I was really triggered by my treatment by the staff and wanted to drink so badly. I didn't, but I did meet up with a few friends and have a few near beers. 3 over the course of 4 hours. By my calculation, that should be 0.18oz of alcohol max, if the brewery is to be believed.

They were Athletic, which is a pretty trusted brand. I didn't feel intoxication at all. It just helped with the cravings and stuff.

About 4 hours after my last one though, I could swear I had pretty bad withdrawal symptoms for about an hour and a half. Cold sweats, intense nausea, severe anxiety - granted I always have anxiety lingering around. No tremors thankfully, and it passed.

The only other idea I had was food poisoning from getting non hospital food, but I've never heard of food poisoning lasting that shortly.

Thoughts? Either way I'm staying away from the near beer for at least a week.

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 92 points 7 months ago

Potato salad is delicious. Fight me OP

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 86 points 8 months ago

Not to mention that if you're depressed, preparing healthy food can be a huge struggle because of the effort involved in acquiring ingredients, cooking/preparing the food, and cleanup afterwards.

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 106 points 8 months ago

Nothing says, "we've done nothing wrong," quite like banning journalists who disagree with you.

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 83 points 8 months ago

The complete history of Israel forcing Palestinians into ghettos and systematically slaughtering them? The fact that they told civilians to flee to the south and then bombed the very area they claimed would be safe? The fact that they claim the right to self determination but refuse to allow the Palestinians the same right? The fact that netanyahu funded Hamas to destabilize the region so that he'd have pretense to carry out his war crimes?

I don't condone the attacks by Hamas, but to pretend that Israel isn't trying to carry out a genocide is crossing a red line for me.

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 89 points 9 months ago

I'm struggling to understand the reasoning behind this. Like these are just lightbulbs right? What's the value in that data that I'm not seeing

[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 144 points 10 months ago

There's nothing wrong with hoping an unethical company goes under.

submitted 11 months ago by ShunkW@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I'm on version 1.0.95 on Android. Google pixel 6 pro. Any thoughts?

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