[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago

Can they make it match the drapes?

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 11 points 2 days ago

The corporate news media doesn't exist to put the good of the country and public service first, it exists to make money, and it's making a lot of money; they're not about to fix what isn't broken just because the country - and the world as a whole - is falling apart.

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 20 points 2 days ago
[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 4 points 5 days ago

Yeah, that's part of the reason why I just dealt with the pain whenever I was prescribed stuff like Vicodin. I don't want to risk it at all.

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 18 points 5 days ago

I've seen plenty of people who think they could take hard, addictive drugs and not get addicted, or that the addiction would be a small price to pay for the highs of the drug. Plenty of people have far too much self confidence for their small understanding of the situation. It's why drugs like heroin are still around; if everyone intrinsically understood that they're not worth it, they'd have disappeared a long time ago.

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 7 points 5 days ago

My wife and I usually plan big vacations about a year in advance so that we can follow flight prices and whatnot to get a good deal. We also book a few days at a cabin for our anniversary every year, so we just book the next year's reservation while we're there, since reservations can fill up even several months in advance.

Only planning a week in advance seems stressful to me - we planned a last-minute (for us) road trip vacation earlier this month for the long 4th of July weekend, and it was tough to find cheap places to stay that weren't super grungy.

Firule (lemm.ee)
submitted 1 month ago by Signtist@lemm.ee to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 119 points 1 month ago

Oh, cool! You make saxophones?

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 106 points 2 months ago

I hope this goes as well as it's being marketed to be, but I've long since stopped trusting people who have enough money to make a news-worthy purchase. Time will tell on this one for me.


Sorry it's not actually from Facebook, but there didn't seem to be a better community for it.

I live in a neighborhood with a large elderly population, and we all got one of these in in the mail today. Looks like they're not just satisfied with recruiting people into the conspiracy theory cult from Facebook and YouTube anymore...

I could see a lot of people falling for this, thinking they've been out of the loop from not having the internet.

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 121 points 4 months ago

If you've got cleaned, cooked seafood that smells like fish shit, you're at a shitty restaurant. My only takeaway from this is that we should really see if we can make terrestrial insects taste as delicious as we make aquatic insects taste.

Snickerdoodles (i.imgur.com)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Signtist@lemm.ee to c/baking@lemm.ee

Had to go into the office today - I'm usually remote - so I decided to make some snickerdoodles for my coworkers. I thought they looked nice all neatly arranged in the pan.

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 124 points 5 months ago

To be fair, as a democrat, I generally view conservative voters as easily-misled people - essentially "dumb," I view conservative leaders as thugs trying to overthrow America, and I view conservative corporate heads as ruling class elites. When you're using such an overarching term as "Conservative" or "Left" it comes with the unsaid caveat that there are many subgroups that can differ greatly from one another.

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 111 points 5 months ago

I'm a millennial, and any amount of casual customer interaction was quickly killed at my first job. I was taught how to speak in a professional manner, and was told I'd be written up if I was found to be speaking too casually to customers. Speaking to customers as if they're your equal is just not something that was acceptable, even 15 years ago - you had to speak as if you were their servant.

I'm glad it's changing - there was never a good reason for it in the first place - but I still cringe when I hear an employee speak casually to a customer, because I still think they're going to get in trouble for it.

[-] Signtist@lemm.ee 200 points 7 months ago

The Best Ways to Stand Up to your Bully

  1. Just give him your lunch money. It is one of the easiest ways to stand up to your bully.
submitted 8 months ago by Signtist@lemm.ee to c/baking@lemm.ee

I baked some molasses, chocolate chip, and corn flour sugar cookies this morning to hand out as my wife and I go around introducing ourselves to our new neighbors.

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