[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 6 points 6 days ago

man, I should watch columbo. Never seen it since childhood

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 6 days ago

but maybe they love their husband

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 33 points 6 days ago

I feel for the other inmates

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 138 points 1 week ago

A broken clock etc etc

Also, relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2030/

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 124 points 3 weeks ago

slowly moving away from them one product at a time

you'd make a great google manager!

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 115 points 1 month ago

finally some cloud gaming

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 130 points 1 month ago

Expected a weird twist, got pleasantly surprised

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 105 points 2 months ago

it's not that doomers are denying that it can be stopped. it's just that, given the data an behaviour of people&politics, they don't really see that it will be stopped

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 123 points 4 months ago

yeah. google just isn't a company you can rely on.

Even their search is going to shit (and with that google ads)

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 121 points 4 months ago

old, buried underground and forgotten?

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 220 points 5 months ago

the front fell off, you say?

[-] SkaveRat@discuss.tchncs.de 160 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

iirc, they launched in new countries at the same time, skewing the result quite a bit. Probably intentional to say "see? it worked"

Edit: can't quite find a source for it. Might have been somthing I misread. Take with a grain of salt

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