[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 0 points 5 hours ago

It's essentially a map of big countries (population, territory, population density...)

This map would be way more interesting if it was normalized per capita or some other meaningful denominator. Only then does it make sense to point fingers.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 day ago

Nationalism, not capitalism. Nothing about this is private ownership of means of production.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 83 points 1 day ago

You completely missed the point. The point is people have been lead to believe LLM can do jobs that humans do because the output of LLMs sounds like the jobs people do, when in reality, speech is just one small part of these jobs. It turns, reasoning is a big part of these jobs, and LLMs simply don't reason.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 22 points 2 days ago

It's set in 2077. Why the F does it need to feel American? There's enough Americana in media already.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

Not sure this is the cause in these cases, but it's all too common in design by committee. Keeping the creative direction and vision in a single person is so damn important.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 9 points 2 days ago

Are they? As the article OP shares suggests, these films quietly make us compare our lives to what is portrayed on screen. This is advertisement 101: display people in enviable positions to portray a sense of longing for a lifestyle that one would not normally seek. A food commercial isn't selling you a product, it's trying to make you hungry.

If all you wanted out of these rom coms is the portrayal of a carefree life, you could just watch pharmaceutical, banking, or insurance ads.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 6 points 4 days ago

You live in the country, but don't drive for environmental reasons, yet you are considering using Door Dash? Can we also assume you don't want to face the obvious answer: stockpile or grow food and cook for yourself?

I don't mean to be overly critical, but it sounds to me like you are trying to avoid compromising on both your ideals and modern day expectations, to find a practical solution. Your pre-industrial agricultural ancestor would have spent a week stockpiling food in the root cellar, by scrounging around locally, or going very far to stockpile food. They probably were also farming animals in a significantly more sustainable/humane way, though certainly exceedingly scarcely.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 41 points 5 days ago

Looks like I'm installing Linux tonight.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 10 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

The problem is the hysteria behind it, leading people to confuse good sounding information with good information. At least when people generally produce information they tend to make an effort to get it right. Machine learning is just an uncaring bullshitting machine, that is rewarded on the basis of the ability to fool people (turns out the Turing test was a crappy benchmark for practice-ready AI besides writing poems), and VC money hasn't reached the "find out" phase of that looming lesson, when we all just get collectively exhausted by how underwhelming the AI fad is.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 141 points 3 months ago

The SCOTUS and other institutions will not save democracy.

This bears repeating. The SCOTUS and other institutions will not save democracy.

Institutions are corruptible. SCOTUS has been corrupted. That is where the US is.

Only citizen action can safeguard democracy.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 121 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

3rd party app support...

There are many other reasons, but let's be real. A lot of us ditched reddit because they dropped support for third party apps. Having an interface that isn't trying to constantly milk you for all sorts of monetization schemes matters a lot, as it so happens. Enough to say goodbye to a lot of familiar and large communities with otherwise good information.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 171 points 11 months ago

Just yesterday here on Lemmy, I mentioned the dangers of violating privacy, and some commenters went on about "what dangers?" Implying there were none...

Is it not enough to gesture broadly?

submitted 1 year ago by SkyNTP@lemmy.ml to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

This is currently my primary frustration with Connect: complete opaqueness regarding instances.

I understand that one design philosophy might argue that instances shouldn't matter, so why show it at all. But it does matter, especially on All, and in comments. I think at the current and near-term state of development, obscuring instances creates more confusion than it alleviates.

  • In this example, I have no idea what community this is. Where is "here"? "General" is a super broad category (does a multi-community even make sense for this type of community name?). Is this /c/general for a general purpose instance, or /c/general of an instance dedicated to a very specific topic? Is that instance worth checking out? Who knows?
  • Is this an instance I'm subscribed to yet?
  • is this the same /c/general I was in last time with a moderation policy and moderators I didn't like, or a new one?
  • Is my instance defederated from seal_of_approval and will they receive my message? Who knows?
  • Are most responders coming from lemmy.world, from sketchy instances loaded with bots or is there good traction from smaller instances? Is there instance brigading going on?
  • Is this an impersonator of seal_of_approval?
  • is this a specific community that spams a lot and I should block it?
  • What moderation rules apply to this instance?

I can't block entire instances myself...

I realize that a lot of these problems have some sort of workaround by drilling down into community details and profiles. Ain't nobody have time for that.

I realize that specific UI solutions could be introduced to tackle each of these problems individually in a user-friendly manner. But we're not there and who knows when we will get there.

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