[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 hours ago
[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 84 points 2 weeks ago

I work in the magical world of ISPs. If you’re having an internet issue, reboot your router and/or modem before calling in. It may not seem like much to you, but many background processes happen when you do so. This can be useful to troubleshoot where the issue lies. There’s a reason why techs will make you do so when calling in. And yes, they can tell on their end if and when you do so. So don’t bullshit them by saying you already did it if you didn’t.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 83 points 3 weeks ago

Ah, the classic sad onion.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 62 points 1 month ago

Stick every time. Stick is a sword, a walking tool, a measure, a prybar. Rock is rock. You can throw it. You can hit stuff with it. That’s about it.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 99 points 4 months ago

If only there was a way to prevent a person from getting measles. Hell, mumps and rubella too!

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 69 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Wow. Amateur hour over here. There's a much easier way to write this.

A case select:

    case 1:
        return false;
    case 2:
        return true;

And so on.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 282 points 8 months ago

Google search results are literally the only time I read Reddit content these days, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard. They're going to lose so many views if they block their content on Google.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 89 points 8 months ago

I thought that too. And then nothing happened when Reddit killed third party apps. The Reddit userbase will continue to bend and spread. As long as Spez spits on it first, they’ll continue to take it.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 102 points 9 months ago

It’s because these companies keep driving up production costs on their own. Their next game has to top their last. At what point do we say that graphics are good enough? Who needs these insane amount of details? Why does a game absolutely need to be 100+GB in size? Is Bloodborne not visually appealing enough? What about God of War (2018)?

Can we not find a “good enough” acceptable baseline and just work with that? This infinite growth is annoying as both a developer and a player. Like okay, ooooh, you can render each individual hair on someone’s head and they each have their own physics. Congratulations. How’s the story for the game? Ah, broken to the point of unplayable, but you pinky swear a patch is coming.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 65 points 9 months ago

My cat is broken. Any amount of food put in front of her will be eaten as quickly as possible. Even if it makes her puke from being too full. She has zero self-regulation. She’s a former street cat so maybe that’s where she gets it from?

The only way I prevent her from inhaling her food in literally (I timed it - literally) 30 seconds is her lick mat. Mush her raw food into the mat so she has to lick it up instead of just smashing her face into a wad of meat. Now it takes her maybe a minute and a half.

[-] Skyline969@lemmy.ca 74 points 10 months ago

It helps though.

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