So 1/4th of Germans support the literal Nazi party.
That sounds like a big deal to me
So 1/4th of Germans support the literal Nazi party.
That sounds like a big deal to me
Maybe not the best example to use a racist police practice
Name an internet browser that costs money
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
We need them badly, just not enough to pay not shit wages
Amogus :3
He's probably has had dementia for a while, that's where his lean and dumptruck ass come from.*6-MPRi55oBECO6mrZEQfAg.png
Ok but you understand how you just moved the goalposts like 4 times right?
You can delusionally hate poor people because of a strawman you hallucinated, it's a free country for now.
Ok live in your fantasy world where the CCP public policy doesn't say that.
I'm sorry but a dictator for life is a dealbreaker.
I'll admit that a truly dedicated and benevolent dictator could run a good society, there are a few examples in the past too.
But it's going to collapse once daddy dies like every dictatorship.
It's rare for more than half the country to vote.
They aren't protesting, they're apathetic
They should all have their excess wealth redistributed