[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 6 points 3 weeks ago

Because it's a drug that gives you a feeling. Some people enjoy the feeling that smoking gives them, the addiction slowly follows after.

The same works for just about any drug. I can assure you that heroin and crack addicts didn't suddenly decide they wanted to be addicted to those drugs. Curiosity gets the best of people sometimes.

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

We need more people like you. Thx g, appreciate the link as well πŸ™Œ

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 6 points 1 month ago

They didn't swap the dogs bodies.. Just changed their colors

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 21 points 3 months ago

What we SHOULDN'T do is take away their right to one if they so choose.

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 3 points 10 months ago

You must think really highly of yourself being such a good mod and all lmao.. Yet you're a shit person. That mod never said anything out of line. Get a life loser

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 20 points 10 months ago

This is about as low effort as it gets

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 2 points 10 months ago

Honestly, right now it's like the wild west. The markets need a form of regulation. For that reason, I'd never recommend anyone get into nft trading without some serious research put into it. But as the space evolves, there will likely be thing put in place to solve this issue.

Also wanted to say I also very much appreciate your response. Most here have decided to attack me instead of actually holding an intellectual conversation. Hope you have a great day!

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 2 points 10 months ago

Never said it was a problem.. Just saying its a better solution. That's okay though.. Saving this comment and will tag you during the next crypto bull run when the hype is back 😘

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 2 points 10 months ago

Totally fair. I just see at as one of the many uses that are possible. Let's day you couldn't make it to an event and wanted to sell your ticket. It would be pretty easy to get the other users wallet address and make the exchange. Also, not all blockchains have high transaction fees. On the Solana network, for example, you can make the exchange for a fraction of a cent. It would cost you roughly. $0.0021 to make the trade.

[-] Somerefriedbeans@lemmy.ca 2 points 10 months ago

I never claimed made a claim that it protected you from scams. I said it can't be counterfeited.

I really don't want a "one true crypto". I think different blockchains can serve different purposes.

And as far as ticketing goes, yes the centralized authority (let's say Disney for example) would set a max amount of tickets (nfts) to be sold/minted and they would be distributed to wallets as they are sold. Nobody else would have a way to alter or counterfeit fake tickets.

I can totally understand all the hate for crypto though. I mean.. I'm a gamer and bought my graphics card during the peak of crypto mining. Was I happy? Hell no. I had a deep hate for crypto at the time... But I decided to dig deeper into what the rage was about. Using actual crypto wallets and interacting with Dapps was quite eye opening to what the future web could be like.

But I'm also with you that crypto needs some form of regulation, but imo crypto and stocks are not the same. If anything NFTs would be more like stocks/shares.

One of the biggest hurdles, like you've mentioned, is that a good portion of the space is full of ponzis/scams. But there are a handful out there who truly care and are trying to pave the way and build up a new way to interact with others. I assure you there's more to it than just scams and jpeg trading. It can be pretty neat when you see what's possible.

Sorry to take up so much of your time with my second ramble but you raised some good points. Cheers

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