
joined 2 years ago
[–] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Also calling yourself a startup makes it a lot easier to abuse your naive young techworkers. "This is just how things go with a startup mindset, your partner and kids will be fine you saw them last month"

E: another startup thing (saw Eat Just from the vatmeat thing did this, but also see Trump/Musk as notable examples), just dont pay or pay your suppliers extremely late.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

You are right, the OG Primer was a bit bespoke yes. So I doubt that could have failed without large parts of the whole financial system falling down. It was more a reference than a real 1 to 1 comparison, and it certainly doesn't fit neatly. Prob should have just made it a reference to the girl army thing, but I coudln't recall enough of that.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

Steelman is the reverse of strawman, so you take the best argument the other side could have made and attacked that, so if a neo-nazi says 'I want to kill those degenerates' you make up some story on how dunno I'm not going to steelman that. It is a Rationalist habit, and it just opens your mind to the worst ideas because of a fear you might dismiss a good idea which was presented badly. It has gargantuan failure modes, and if you want to start a cult teaching people to steelman is prob a good idea.

And yeah we can be a bit unfriendly, esp when this place goes 'this tech is bad' and then people go defend the tech, or miss the point. We prob also picked up some bad habits (this is me saying nay, it is not just you, we also suck at times).

Personally I think the whole reddit model of the internet where you had an /all and not just subforums was a mistake. It worked a bit for SA (I'm not a goon btw), but in SA it at least was somewhat clear where you were posting. The reddit/facebook/twitter ification makes everything one big goo where it is unclear you walked into a longer conversation, a different style of having conversations, or a nazi bar etc.

[–] 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

As is a spinoff, of reddits sneerclub, there is a bit of lingo some of the old timers have taken with, these tend to go a bit nerdy. In this case the nerd being pushed into the lockers by the jocks. This is because the people sneerclub sneered about had a trauma of the nerd/jock thing from highschool and tended to see a lot of things via that lens. (So anybody who was their detractor was obviously a jock). This has created a bit of a tradition where you see a annoyingly dumb reply, esp when it does things in an annoying way that also often applies to the LessWrong Rationalists, like for example ignoring written and unwritten context (steelmanning nonsense is also a good point), to say you are putting the poster into a locker, or saying they should be shoved in one (of course, we are just as nerdy as the Rationalists, so if jocks were real we would also be in a locker just like them.). So here is a bit of initial context, we all want subconsciously be shoved into a locker by Henry Cavill.

Now how does this apply to our current situation? Well the first reaction here is a bit nonsensical and mentions things already mentioned, and argued against in the article. For example how the upper middle class of the western world eating a bit of vat grown meat every now and then is not going to solve the problems which vat grown meat should solve. It actually also makes the problems worse because money can only be spend once. As mentioned in the article. So sc_griffith, the OP rightfully replies with 'read the article please'. Which is fine, as it is a bit of a dumb reaction to all the myriads of problems shown in the article.

Then you come along, having reinvented Rationalist ways of discourse from first principles, or that Futurama episode, and you end up defending the person missing the point of the article, why it was posted here (ow look unwritten context, as foreshadowed), and you react with a somewhat annoying post going basically 'technically he is correct, if you squint, and steelman'. Ergo, into the locker you go.

Holy shit, why am I talking to a locker? Is it because I'm taking a bit of perverse glee too type out all the context both written and unwritten way, in a sick way to make myself feel superior to end with weak bad meme reference? Nah, it must be the kids who are wrong (I say from my own locker (in reality I have to do some things irl and im procrastinating)).

tl;dr: I was saying you were a bit annoying and you shouldn't steelman posts of other people like that.

[–] 12 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Oddly enough, Musk is the one of these people who seems reluctant to go into space, either he gets the risks, doesnt care, has trauma from the car crash, or is mega paranoid, I dont think he will ever leave.

I also base this on the fact that he is a big liar, who also does a lot of lies by omission. (Like his diablo world record, based on a health bug exploit).

But yes, bang zoom, straight into the sun.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Did that locker just say "but it was technically correct"?

[–] 22 points 2 months ago (1 children)

"Friedrich argued that investor buy-in was the de facto proof that cultivated meat has legs. Major meatpackers, prominent venture capital firms, the government of Singapore: You could trust that these stakeholders had done their due diligence, and they wanted in."

Ow god it is a scam. This was a reaction to researchers saying "we dont see it".

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yes forgot the name, that old Moldbug penpal.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I still should make a more effort post out of this, but we know and fear the moon getting mad. But what about.. the sun

[–] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (6 children)

My pedantic notes, modified by some of my experiences, so bla bla epistemic status, colored by my experiences and beliefs take with grain of salt etc. Please don't take this as a correction, but just some of my notes and small minor things. As a general 'trick more people into watching into the abyss' guide it is a good post, mine is more an addition I guess.

SSC / The Motte: Scott Alexander's devotees. once characterised by interest in mental health and a relatively benign, but medicalised, attitude to queer and especially trans people. The focus has since metastasised into pseudoscientific white supremacy and antifeminism.

This is a bit wrong tbh, SSC always was anti-feminist. Scotts old (now deleted) livejournal writings, where he talks about larger discussion/conversation tactics in a broad meta way, the meditations on superweapons, always had the object level idea of attacking feminism. For example, using the wayback machine, the sixth meditation (this is the one I have bookmarked). He himself always seems to have had a bit of a love/hate relationship with his writings on anti-feminism and the fame and popularity this brought him.

The grey tribe bit is missing that guy who called himself grey tribe in I think it was silicon valley who wanted to team up with the red tribe to get rid of all the progressives, might be important to note because it looks like they are centrist, but shock horror, they team up with the right to do far right stuff.

I think the extropianists might even have different factions, like the one around Natasha Vita-More/Max More. But that is a bit more LW adjacent, and it more predates LW than it being a spinoff faction. (The extropian mailinglist came first iirc). Singularitarians and extropianists might be a bit closer together, Kurzweil wrote the singularity is near after all, which is the book all these folks seem to get their AI doom ideas from after all. (if you ever see a line made up out of S-curves that is from that book. Kurzweil also is an exception to all these people as he actually has achievements, he build machines for the blind, image recognition things, etc etc, he isn't just a writer. Nick Bostrom is also missing it seems, he is one of those X-risk guys, also missing is Robin Hanson, who created the great filter idea, the prediction markets thing, and his overcoming bias is a huge influence on Rationalism, and could be considered a less focused on science fiction ideas part of Rationalism, but that was all a bit more 2013 (Check the 2013 map of the world of Dark Enlightenment on the Rationalwiki Neoreaction page).

"the Protestants to the rationalists' Catholicism" I lolled.

Note that a large part of sneerclubbers is (was) not ex rationalists, nor people who were initially interested in it, it actually started on reddit because badphil got too many rationalists suggestions that they created a spinoff. (At least so the story goes) so it was started by people who actually had some philosophy training. (That also makes us the most academic faction!)

Another minor thing in long list of minor things, might also be useful to mention that Rationalwiki has nothing to do with these people and is more aligned with the sneerclub side.

There are also so many Scotts. Anyway, this post grew a bit out of my control sorry for that, hope it doesn't come off to badly, and do note that my additions make a short post way longer so prob are not that useful. Don't think any of your post was misinformation btw (I do think that several of these factions wouldn't call themselves part of LW, and there is a bit of a question who influenced who (the More's seem to be outside of all this for example, and a lot of extropians predate it etc etc. But that kind of nitpicking is for people who want to write books on these people).

E: reading the thread, this is a good post and good to keep in mind btw. I would add not just what you mentioned but also mocking people for personal tragedy, as some people end/lose their lives due to rationalism, or have MH episodes, and we should be careful to treat those topics well. Which we mostly try to do I think.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

What if cryptofasc weird but trying to be cute. (Revolutionary ikr).

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

Looks at username

A chaos dragon, Peterson warned us against your type! All we need now is a dream of a grandmother.

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