The plot? Im more and more worried this is going to turn out to be real. Reality tends to outpace his fiction at times after all. ;)
Then the middle eastern god will blow up the indian utopia because he is bored and the british fungus space god will rule over the remains.
They’re talking about an AI we build, the term “alien” in “alien intelligence” refers to it not having human thought patterns, not to extraterrestrial origin
Ah right i thought they meant it was secretly produced by people in the third world, the illegal alien way. ;)
Second option they dont believe in the robotgod themselves but just think this is the way to attract more investors
6,6 billion? Joseph Weizenbaum realizes he made a big mistake in his reaction to ELIZA. Could have been rich and infamous, instead of just famous.
I recently discovered the joe rogan remixed as a 40k trooper yt vids and it is great. (Yes i know im a year late to the party). But yes he sucks, think it was amusing he talked like he was stoned as fuck and alex jones talked like he had just snorted all the cocaine in Volendam.
That is a good username. Also very scummy business practices. I have a quite big dislike for people who pull that kind of shit.
Im reminded of the "Rationalism is systematized winning". Post for some reason. This post and the recent musk chess post just makes me wonder about "what does winning" even mean. But in the spirit of wargames, i have not thought about it much more than that.
I also now wonder how illegal this could be in various jurisdictions. I know that aiming security cams at public roads is a bit frowned upon here in .nl for example
The horror. Replacing the joy of looking into something and making your findings available in your own style to others replaced by autogenerated slop. And soon this will be all over the place, we will look back on the past period of low effort clickbait with nostalgia.
This is a bit unfair, i think nick land also sold drugs. Not sure however.