Ah Lyta Gold, one of the enjoyable writers from current affairs before Nathan went all "call an ambulance! I think I'm having a moment of class consciousness! But just for me!" Starts firing everybody. And I realized that vague socialist left libertarians suck. (In a just world he would languish alone on his site, with only the email replies he gets from Noam Chomsky to keep him warm. But it isn't a just world, so he just replaced his writers, like a proper capitalist owner).
But turns out Gold (I had lost sight of her) has a book "Dangerous Fictions: The Fear of Fantasy and the Invention of Reality" out which might be relevant to us. And she also blogs on substack, with relevant to out interest posts like "what ever happened to right-wing art?" (Moldbug mentioned, drink!), and a look at conservative masculinity "What if we treated men like adults?".
Im going to assume they meant it as a reference to the Castlevania boss.